Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF PRO)

Плагин Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF PRO) v6.2.9

Supercharge your WordPress website with powerful functionality
= 6.0.6 =
*Release Date 13th December 2022*

* [View Release Post](
* New - Flexible Content field now has a new admin user experience when editing layouts
* New - Tabs for field settings in the field group editor can now be disabled via a new “Field Settings Tabs” screen option or with the new [`acf/field_group/disable_field_settings_tabs`]( filter
* Improvement - General field settings tab now selected by default when a field is opened
* Fix - Sub fields are no longer initialized by their parent, resolving performance issues when field groups contain many nested sub fields
* Fix - Frontend forms now disable the submit button after click to prevent multiple submissions
* Fix - Unknown field types no longer display broken HTML in the field group editor
* Fix - Returning an empty string via the `acf/blocks/no_fields_assigned_message` filter will no longer result in blocks without fields assigned having an extra wrapping div
* Fix - Sites with WPML enabled no longer experience failed ACF updates due to license errors
* Fix - Buttons featuring icons no longer have display issues when using RTL languages
= 6.0.5 =
*Release Date 18th November 2022*

* Fix - Uploading multiple files nested in a subfield no longer causes a fatal error when using basic uploader (props @JoKolov)

= 6.0.4 =
*Release Date 8th November 2022*

* Improvement - JavaScript initialization performance while editing large field groups has been improved, especially in Safari
* Improvement - Tooltips for field settings are now shown as inline instructions
* Improvement - Saving a field group is now disabled until a field group title has been entered
* Improvement - Additional sanitization across various internal parts of the plugin
* Fix - Dragging and dropping a field in no longer opens the field settings in Firefox
* Fix - Copying the field name or key to the clipboard now works as expected for new or reordered fields, and subfields
* Fix - Saving a field group will now temporarily disable the "Save Changes" button while saving
* Fix - Block templates that include html comments as the first DOM element no longer crash the block editor on edit
* Fix - Block templates that include InnerBlocks on the DOM’s first level no longer trigger JS warnings
* Fix - Block templates that render other blocks now correctly render their InnerBlocks
* Fix - Legacy block attribute values are no longer overwritten by blank defaults of new versions
* Fix - Paginated Repeater fields now work with non-paginated Repeaters as subfields
* Fix - Repeater pagination is now properly disabled while inside blocks
* Fix - REST API no longer causes a PHP warning if `$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']` is not defined
* Fix - REST API now supports integer keys for the Select field
* Fix - REST API now supports passing `null` to Image and File fields
* Fix - Invalid ACF meta keys no longer cause a fatal error when retrieved with `get_fields()`
* a11y - The Relationship field is now fully accessible for keyboard navigation
* i18n - Select dropdown arrow is now aligned correctly in RTL languages
* i18n - Radio buttons are now aligned correctly in RTL languages
= 6.0.4 =
*Release Date 8th November 2022*

* Improvement - JavaScript initialization performance while editing large field groups has been improved, especially in Safari
* Improvement - Tooltips for field settings are now shown as inline instructions
* Improvement - Saving a field group is now disabled until a field group title has been entered
* Improvement - Additional sanitization across various internal parts of the plugin
* Fix - Dragging and dropping a field in no longer opens the field settings in Firefox
* Fix - Copying the field name or key to the clipboard now works as expected for new or reordered fields, and subfields
* Fix - Saving a field group will now temporarily disable the "Save Changes" button while saving
* Fix - Block templates that include html comments as the first DOM element no longer crash the block editor on edit
* Fix - Block templates that include InnerBlocks on the DOM’s first level no longer trigger JS warnings
* Fix - Block templates that render other blocks now correctly render their InnerBlocks
* Fix - Legacy block attribute values are no longer overwritten by blank defaults of new versions
* Fix - Paginated Repeater fields now work with non-paginated Repeaters as subfields
* Fix - Repeater pagination is now properly disabled while inside blocks
* Fix - REST API no longer causes a PHP warning if `$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']` is not defined
* Fix - REST API now supports integer keys for the Select field
* Fix - REST API now supports passing `null` to Image and File fields
* Fix - Invalid ACF meta keys no longer cause a fatal error when retrieved with `get_fields()`
* a11y - The Relationship field is now fully accessible for keyboard navigation
* i18n - Select dropdown arrow is now aligned correctly in RTL languages
* i18n - Radio buttons are now aligned correctly in RTL languages
Release Date 29th September 2022
  • Improvement - Field group and field rows no longer animate on hover to reveal the action links
  • Fix - Field order is now saved correctly when fields are reordered
  • Fix - WordPress notice styles outside of ACF's admin screens are no longer affected by the plugin's CSS
= 5.12.3 =
*Release Date 14th July 2022*

* Security Fix - Inputs for basic file uploads are now nonced to prevent an issue which could allow arbitrary file uploads to forms with ACF fields (Thanks to James Golovich from Pritect, Inc.)
= 5.12 =
*Release Date 23rd February 2022*

* [View Release Post](
* New - ACF blocks now support the new Full Site Editor included in WordPress 5.9
* New - ACF blocks now support the WordPress Query Loop block
* New - Added block caching system to reduce the number of AJAX calls in the block editor
* Enhancement - Block preloading can now be disabled by using "acf_update_setting( 'preload_blocks', false );" in the "acf/init" action hook
* Enhancement - ACF and ACF PRO will now detect if each other are active and deactivate the other plugin on plugin activation
* Fix - Fixed an issue with the media library not working correctly in ACF Blocks in WordPress 5.9.1
* Fix - Fixed an issue where anchors weren't working correctly in WordPress 5.9
* Fix - Fixed an issue where the "unfiltered_html" capability wasn't being used by ACF blocks
* Fix - Fixed an issue where it was impossible to update an ACF block inside the widget block editor
* Fix - Fixed an issue where ACF fields might not appear in REST API calls made via internal WordPress functions
* Fix - Warnings and PHP 8.1 deprecation notices in REST API
* Fix - Better support for double byte characters in "acf_get_truncated()" (props @cabradb)
* i18n - Broken link in the Croatian translation
* i18n - Automated building of acf.pot for translators in each release
Release Date - 2nd December 2021
  • Fix - Fixed several Select2.js conflicts with other plugins
  • Fix - Fixed an issue where block name sanitization could change valid block names containing double hyphens
  • Fix - Fixed an issue where blocks with integer IDs could fail to load example field data
*Release Date - 31 August 2021*
* Fix - Fixed block duplication issues which created blocks with duplicate block IDs
* Fix - Fixed an issue with ACF errors displaying in the media library outside of ACF fields
* Fix - Changed label of "Enable Opacity?" to "Allow transparency" in the colour picker
* Fix - Revert "style" attributes of ACF Blocks to 5.9.x behaviour for template compatibility
* Fix - Allow safe HTML inside select2 field labels
* Fix - Don't render the "acf-block-preview" div when preloading blocks in edit mode
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