• Не создавайте несколько учетных записей, вы будете заблокированы! Для получения дополнительной информации о правилах, ограничениях и многом другом посетите страницу «Помощь».
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Компонент Advanced Module Manager PRO v10.1.2

Нет прав для скачивания
Расширяет возможности встроенного в систему по умолчанию менеджера модулей


  • Fixes issue with php error when using access level or usergroup conditions


  • Fixes issue with php error about getGroups receiving null

Updates translations: nl-NL, pl-PL, tr-TR

Fixes issue with php error about getGroups not returning an array
PRO Adds ability to add comments to IP lists in the conditions

26 August 2024​


  • Fixes issue with the Rule Type select field not working on some setups
  • Updates translations: pt-PT, zh-CN
  • Fixes issue Regular Labs library plugin conflicting with save event of Firecoders
  • Fixes issue with access levels being reset on existing conditions
  • Fixes issue with categories column not showing in the modules list view
  • Fixes issue with php errors about property groups on false in some edge cases
  • Fixes issue with php errors on articles select list when having more articles than the select list limit
  • PRO Fixes issue with 'HTML if empty' content showing when 'Hide if empty' is switched on

10.0.26 09 July 2024​


  • Fixes issue with a low level XXS vulnerability when someone with admin rights can inject XXS into condition names
  • Fixes issue with conditions page and preview not working on new Chrome due to use of DOMSubtreeModified

10.0.21 04 March 2024​


  • Fixes issue with RegularLabs\Scoped being output in some cases

10.0.7 30 October 2023​


  • Fixes issue with conditions list being cached
  • Мне нравится
Реакции: Sambuka
05-Oct-2023 : v10.0.2
# [PRO] Fixes issue with time conditions (before/after) not working
22-May-2023 : v9.7.3
^ Updates translations: tr-TR
# [J4] Fixes issue with status icon in list taking into account old core publish up/down dates
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