Смотрите видео ниже, чтобы узнать, как установить iTnull.info в качестве веб-приложения.
Примечание: В настоящее время для использования этой функции требуется доступ к сайту с помощью встроенного браузера Safari.
Fixed Fixes issue with php error when using access level or usergroup conditions
Fixed Fixes issue with php error about getGroups receiving null
Changed Updates translations: nl-NL, pl-PL, tr-TR Fixed Fixes issue with php error about getGroups not returning an array PRO Adds ability to add comments to IP lists in the conditions
26 August 2024Fixed Fixes issue with the Rule Type select field not working on some setups
Updates translations: pt-PT, zh-CN Fixed Fixes issue Regular Labs library plugin conflicting with save event of Firecoders Fixes issue with access levels being reset on existing conditions Fixes issue with categories column not showing in the modules list view Fixes issue with php errors about property groups on false in some edge cases Fixes issue with php errors on articles select list when having more articles than the select list limit PRO Fixes issue with 'HTML if empty' content showing when 'Hide if empty' is switched on
10.0.26 09 July 2024Fixed Fixes issue with a low level XXS vulnerability when someone with admin rights can inject XXS into condition names Fixes issue with conditions page and preview not working on new Chrome due to use of DOMSubtreeModified
10.0.21 04 March 2024Fixed Fixes issue with RegularLabs\Scoped being output in some cases
10.0.7 30 October 2023Fixed Fixes issue with conditions list being cached
05-Oct-2023 : v10.0.2 # [PRO] Fixes issue with time conditions (before/after) not working
22-May-2023 : v9.7.3 ^ Updates translations: tr-TR # [J4] Fixes issue with status icon in list taking into account old core publish up/down dates
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