AI Engine Pro: ChatGPT Chatbot, GPT Content Generator, Custom Playground & Features NULLED

Плагин AI Engine Pro: ChatGPT Chatbot, GPT Content Generator, Custom Playground & Features NULLED v2.3.7

Чат-бот ChatGPT, генератор контента GPT, пользовательская игровая площадка и функции
= 2.3.7 (2024/06/03) =
* Add: New chart in the dashboard. I hope you'll like it!
* Update: Longer conversation can now be kept in the DB.
* Update: Sanitize Pinecone URL.
* Update: Refreshed Neko UI.
= 2.2.56 (2024/03/12) =
* Note: Please backup your website before making this update.
* Update: Huge overhaul of the embeddings system. It's now much more powerful, flexible and reliable.
* Add: Handle (multi) function calls with OpenAI assistants (via mwai_ai_function filter).
* Add: Export Discussions to JSON.
* Fix: Minor issues.
= 2.2.1 (2024/03/01) =
* Add: Support for Hugging Face.
* Add: Automatically update the outdated embeddings in background.
* Fix: A few lightweight security issues were handled.
= 2.1.9 (2024/02/08) =
* Fix: Resolved an issue with additional_instructions.
* Add: Support for set_instructions in queries used by assistants.
* Update: Reviewed and updated default parameters for embeddings search.
= 2.1.7 (2024/02/04) =
* Add: Enhanced embeddings handling, including fixes, automatic EnvID mismatch resolution, and support for new models.
* Add: Implemented additional_instructions for contextual guidance in assistants and memory for default EnvID.
* Fix: Corrected issues with image downloading from URLs and Local Download functionality.
* Update: Streamlined embeddings environment with support for context and updates to models and vectors table.
= 2.1.6 (2024/01/20) =
* Update: Pinecone servers.
* Update: Simple API was refactored to be more consistent, and to work with such services as
* Fix: Remove the mwai_files_cleanup event on uninstall.
= 2.1.4 (2023/12/31) =
* Fix: Custom models (added via mwai_openai_models) weren't shown in the UI.
* Fix: Remove a few PHP warnings.
* Update: Enhanced the structure of the data in the Queries browser.
= 2.0.0 (2023/11/20) =
* Add: Implemented the new OpenAI Assistants (Pro). It's beta, but it's there!
* Update: The former "Assistants" (which were tools in the Admin section) have been renamed into "Utilities".
* Update: Better control of who/what is using the REST API.
= 1.9.82 (2023/09/22) =
* Fix: The value of external select fields was not interpreted correctly.
* Fix: Better validation in the AI Forms.
* Fix: Empty chatbot shorcode will automatically switch to the default chatbot.
* Fix: Issues on mobile with the chatbot.
* Fix: Avoid displaying the rendered HTML in the chatbot when typed by the user.
* Update: Accept function calls without parameters, and make sure the types are correct.

1.11.17 – 2023-08-29​


  • Partial Rules saving as “Draft” status
  • ReadyLaunch™ invoice column headers misaligned
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