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Примечание: Эта функция может быть недоступна в некоторых браузерах.
4.3.0 Add ability to insert a list of topics to schedule posts for in one go. Improve date formatting and storage. Bug fixes.
4.2.0 Add Stable Diffusion support. Improve Chatbot Styling. Improve translation and tips all around. Bug fixes.
4.0.5 Fix an issue that affected a database index (RSS repurpose).
4.0.2 Fix a bug to allow scheduler jobs to retry in case of any error happens and space out generations to avoid rate limit issues.
4.0.0 Add AIKit fine-tuner to allow you to fine-tune the models to your needs.
3.16.2 Fix bug related to max tokens that affected repurposer.
3.14.0 Add YouTube video repurposing feature that allows you to repurpose or spin existing YouTube videos and generate content based on them.
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