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Плагин Ajax Search Pro - Live WordPress Search & Filter Plugin v4.26.15

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Самая мощная живая поисковая система для WordPress

4.26.15 - 2024-08-12​


4.26.10 - 2024.05.06​


  • Fixed an issue with the index table negative and stop-words
  • Added asp_option_selected CSS Class to parent label elements on Checkbox and Radio filters for better style targeting for developers

4.26.8 - 2024.04.09​

New Features​

  • Ordering results by Post Modified date asc/desc is possible (issue 98)


  • The index table custom field object indexing has been improved (issue 99)
  • The meta boxes compatibility option now affects the Classic Editor buttons - they are hidden for non-selected post types (issue 96)
  • Fixed a potential compaitibility problem with Breakdance editor
  • Fixed an issue with an option inconsistency
  • Fixed an issue with the Advanced Title & Content fields HTML tag handler - now the tags should be correctly stripped
  • Fixed an issue with the taxonomy term checkboxes - where the checkboxes does not get unchecked when they are hidden - regarless if this is enforced.

4.26.5 - 2024.03.04​

New Features​

    • Added a new argument for the "separator", which is used in joining the values, when the custom field value is an array
    • Added an option for taxonomy term filters: Filtering by parent terms should also include the results from children? If a post from child category is not directly assigned to the parent category as well, this will force the filter to still apply if the parent category is selected.
    • Added support for Advanced Custom Fields Repeater/Theme Builder fields index and search


    • Fixed an issue with the PDF thumbnail generator, where the thumbnail was not generated when the default image was selected.
    • PDF thumbnail generator now also checks for pre-generated thumbnails from WordPress, and use those if available and will also respect the selected image size
    • Fixed a conflict with WooCommerce ajax cart feature
    • Fixed an issue with the number range custom field filter - where redirecting to the results page with the empty filter range would end up with "0" values filled in with potential no results.

4.26.4 - 2024.02.14​


    • Fixed an bug with index table taxonomy and custom field search
    • Fixed a bug where the random ordering was not applied in some cases
4.26.3 - 2023.02.08
Possibly final preparation/bugfix update before 4.27

New Features​

    • Added a new query argument to when using the site language
    • Post tag filters now allow 10 000 items in the filter box instead of the previous 400
    • vtt (subtitle) files are now supported for the media search


    • When using the WooCommerce {_sale_price} in , it will only appear if the item is on sale
    • Fixed an issue with the post type and user meta field search logic
    • Minor fixes is the internal file manager
    • Fixed an issue in the CSS generator, where in a specific configuration some assets were not picked up
    • Fixed an issue where the index table tokenizer looped and took too long to respond
    • Fixed an issue with the archive page live filter
    • Divi live pagination will work correctly for custom shop pages
    • Fixed an issue where some elementor items were duplicated in the container
    • Fixed a sorting issue with the media search
    • Fixed an issue where the variation would not show up on the WooCommerce results page
    • Fixed an accessibility issue with the Isotopic results navigation
    • Fixed various PHP 8.3 deprecation warnings
    • Added shortcode output minification, so when using the plugin shortcode in a Shortcode Block the line breaks added by WordPress autop() should be ommited
    • Many other minor fixes


    • The advanced content fields now will respect the maximum content length (each field is trimmed to the set length)
    • Slightly improved the media indexing search
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