Akeeba Admin Tools Pro NULLED

Компонент Akeeba Admin Tools Pro NULLED v7.6.2

Безопасность и администрирование сайтов на Joomla
New features
  • Accurate PHP CLI path in the PHP File Change Scanner Scheduling page
  • Added support for multiple email addresses inside WAF configuration
  • Automatically delete Temporary Super Users no longer linked to Joomla users
  • Backend management tables multiple row select and column hiding support
  • Password hashing algorithm selection for password-protect admin folder
  • Workaround for Joomla! 5.2 broken mail template layout
Bug fixes
  • [LOW] Do not produce a fatal error if we get an error while saving IP address on new user registration
  • [LOW] In some specific circumstances, WAF exceptions were not correctly applied
Miscellaneous changes
  • Updated list of forbidden usernames
  • Updated list of user agents to block

Bug fixes​

  • [HIGH] Possible PHP error whilst logging a blocked request


New features​

  • Components sidebar menu item to open the appropriate server config maker for your site
  • Improved support for Joomla! 5.1's backend colour schemes
  • You can now choose the action for an invalid administrator secret URL parameter

Miscellaneous changes​

  • Re-arrange order of execution to process IP blocks before request blocking features
  • Remove Itemid from Suspicious Core Parameters, it has its own feature (ItemidShield)


Bug fixes​

  • [MEDIUM] Joomla does not return the plugin ID when it's disabled, leading to broken links in the UI
  • [MEDIUM] Server configuration maker: Fixed fatal error when web servers different than Apache are used

Miscellaneous changes​

  • Allow empty Itemid even when Suspicious Core Parameters feature is enabled

New features​

  • Optional description field on “Never block these IPs” and “Never blocked domains”

Bug fixes​

  • [MEDIUM] Suspicious Core Parameter always applied the cmd filter, leading to false positives


Miscellaneous changes​

  • Workaround for the Joomla! bug making it erroneously claim in the Maintenance: Database page that Admin Tools' database tables are not up-to-date when they actually are.

New features​

  • Support for Joomla! 5 installations with a custom public folder

Miscellaneous changes​

  • Joomla 5 Dark Mode workarounds


Bug fixes​

  • [HIGH] PHP File Change Scanner scans all files, regardless of the configured extensions


Bug fixes​

  • [LOW] Possible PHP error when updating this along other extensions using the same post-installation script


Bug fixes​

  • [LOW] “Disable editing user properties for these user groups” does not let you select the Super Users group
  • [MEDIUM] PHP File Change Scanner fails when the MySQL packet size is too small (e.g. 1MiB) when scanning big files (>400KiB) with Calculate File Diffs enabled

Miscellaneous changes​

  • Only show warning to regenerate the server configuration file if it was generated by Admin Tools to begin with
  • Workaround for CloudAccess and other hosts with broken Apache installations that don't understand the If directive
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