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Akeeba Backup for Joomla

Компонент Akeeba Backup for Joomla v9.9.11

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Компонент Joomla для организации на сайте резервного копирования
Akeeba Backup Pro 9.6.2 JOOMLA 4
Akeeba Backup Pro 8.2.8 JOOMLA 3
Akeeba Backup Pro 9.5.1
Bug fixes:
  • [HIGH] Migration from Akeeba Backup 8 always shows an erroneous message that no compatible version has been detected.
  • [LOW] Restoration: Wrong message about the emial address when the administrator passwords don't match
  • [MEDIUM] Restoration. Administrator email appears as "undefined" in the Site Setup page

New features​

  • More informative error messages for database connection issues during restoration

Bug fixes​

  • [LOW] Invalid SQL dump if we cannot get the create commands for a function, procedure or trigger
  • [LOW] Restoration: You were shown separate port and socket options which were not taken into account
  • [MEDIUM] Possible infinite loop on PHP 8 during DB restoration if a SQL file is missing
  • [MEDIUM] Restoration: Using a custom port or socket might result in the wrong hostname being written in the restored site's configuration file

Miscellaneous changes​

  • Workaround for utf8_encode and _decode being deprecated in PHP 8.2
Akeeba Backup Pro 8.1.7 (Joomla 3)
Akeeba Backup Pro 9.2.5 (Joomla 4)
Released on:
Thursday, 18 November 2021 05:51
Joomla! 4.0
PHP 7.2
PHP 7.3
PHP 7.4
PHP 8.0
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