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Шаблон Alysum Premium Theme
Нет прав для скачивания
Big Theme Update!
New "Full Page" Demo
New menu "Pknav" widget. Current "Promokit Menu" module is removed from the theme package
New Product page widgets "Reassuarence", "Comments", "In the same category"
New feature "Voise Search"
Added quick access bottom panel for mobile devices with Cart, My account, Menu, Favorites and Search
Added nice-looking custom scrollbars
Added full webp/avif support
Improved listing page sidebar on mobile screens
Cleaned CSS&JS code base, deep refactoring and optimization
Improved UX of Promokit Cookies module, now it's not reloading when click "Ok"
Added lazy loading for Promokit Cookies external scripts
Added "Current category" option to the Categories widget
Refactored all Modal windows. Now CSS&JS are lazy loaded
Optimized Revolution slider scripts loading. Now it loads only if slider exist on a page
Added quick access bottom panel
Improved Product Listing Page performance by reducing transfered data size
Added a bottom panel featuring essential pages such as cart, menu, and my account for convenient fingertip access.
Fixed Bugs
wrong rating value on product page
product compare module conflict with theme product page
missed styling for cached CE templates
add caching for Product Miniature CE templates
Improved performance. Now it doesn't load resource on desktop version
broken password recovery
Alysum Version 8.2.0Release Date: 15.06.2023
Prestashop 8.1 Compatible
PHP 8.1
Refactor Product Comparison module JS library
Sign In widget improved UX. Now it shows "Sign Out" link if customer is logged in
Theme Settings back-office sidebar link now available right after theme installation
Improved "Sidebar Registrastion Form"
Added WEBP & AVIF formats support for AMP image manager
Fixed Bugs
Wrong carousel arrow icon path
Fatal error if called a product with non-existing ID in PS8.x
Unable to click on language widget on mobile device
Product miniature image stopped working on PS8.x
Cacheing issue in Languages & Currencies widgets
Cache issue on currency change
Quick view mised CSS styles
Menu item image upload
Fixed broken "Edit with Elementor" button in Theme Settings
Fixed Facebook module JS error
Fixed Facebook potential security issue
Broken carousels on product update on Product Page
Unable to load CE Editor on CMS Category page
Compatibility with Facetd Search v3.11
Price without taxes in search
Improved SVG library loading. Now it's over http to make library file cachable
Category page error caused by wrong category link
Fixed broken upload menu item icons
Fixed checkout page visual issues
Categories Widgets saving images issue
Fixed wrong products ordering on New Products page
Revolution slider break AMP category page
Unable to delete address