Improve shopping experience of your foreign customers
Display confirmation pop-up before redirecting
Set introducing confirmation and notification pop-up before redirecting. Comply with the requirements of EU regulations regarding geo-blocking and country redirects.
Redirect users to a specific store view
Automatically determine visitors’ location and redirect them to the correct store view. With the help of the extension you can improve customers' shopping experience by showing localized information in familiar language and currency.
Change currency based on visitors’ location
The Magento 2 GeoIP extension detects the location of your store visitors and changes price currency to the one which is actually used in the potential customer’s country. Also, your customers don’t have to choose the language prior to starting purchasing - it will be done automatically.
Restrict access to your website to specific IP addresses
With the advanced Magento 2 GeoIP Redirect extension, you can block certain visitors by their IP addresses and choose the CMS page that will be displayed to the restricted customers.
Ignore search engines and user agents
Avoid unwanted redirects for user agents and search engine spiders. You can specify which of them to ignore. For your convenience, the most popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. are ignored by default.
Redirect only from the home page
Sometimes a user may need to see particular pages of your store just as they are. In that case, you can enable the ‘Redirect From Home Page Only’ option. Thus, as soon as viewers enter the website homepage, they would be automatically redirected to the appropriate store view.
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