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Amasty - SEO Toolkit for Magento 2

Модуль Amasty - SEO Toolkit for Magento 2 v2.0.0

Набор инструментов SEO для Magento 2
Версии Magento
  1. 2.X

SEO Toolkit is the all-in-one Magento 2 SEO Extension designed to make your store stand out in Google Search. Maximize your SEO effectiveness: make your store more visible in search results and get more organic traffic.
  1. Advanced pagination + redirects
  2. Rich snippets in search results
  3. Automated meta tags templates
  4. Unique product URLs against duplicate content
  5. Automated internal and external cross-links
  6. Advanced HTML and XML sitemaps
  7. Compatibility with the Jet Theme
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