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Version 26.8.4 – May 4th, 2023
* Added: Responsive - Mobile - Maximum images srcset width
* Added: System Status - Show warning if site uses insecure http connection
* Fixed: BeBuilder - History - Undo action
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Section - Deprecated section styles - Options are invisible and cannot be deselected
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Keyboard shortcodes - Ctrl+C
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Transform - Minor CSS fixes
* Fixed: Popup Builder - Template type changes to 'page template' if popup is updated in backend editor
* Fixed: Popup Builder + WPML plugin - Display conditions
* Fixed: Shop - Archives - Price is missing if shop template is not selected
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Quantity field - Hide for 'Sold individually' products
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Sidebar inherited from shop page [68823]
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Custom Variation Swatches
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Minor CSS fixes
* Fixed: Social Icons - Add https:// prefix if missing
* Fixed: Pre-built websites - Database reset - Remove widgets to prevent Inactive widgets excess
* Fixed: PHP 8.1 Deprecated: Automatic conversion of false to array
* Fixed: Contact Form 7 - Response output - Missing CSS style
* Fixed: Elementor plugin - Be Gallery widget - Lightbox - Missing title and description [68831]
* Fixed: BeCustom plugin - Betheme Dashboard page content [68866]
* Fixed: BeCustom plugin - Edit with BeBuilder link
* Removed - Automatic theme updates - WordPress 6.2 do not allow auto updates for themes outsite wordpress.org
Version 26.8.1 – April 12th, 2023
* Fixed: Shop - Archives - Price is missing if shop template is not selected
* Fixed: Header Builder - Logo element - Missing width and height attributes
* Fixed: Mobile - Header Creative + Default mobile header
* Fixed: GDPR & Cookies - Image element - Missing width and height attributes
* Added: List element - Option to set starting number
* Added: Toggle element - Option to set starting number
* Added: Dynamic Data - ACF plugin fields {acf:field_name}
* Added: Dynamic Data - List of dynamic data tags in BeBuilder Settings
* Fixed: Dynamic Data - Display issue for sites with more than 100 000 tags
* Added: Sidebar Menu - Close button position and size
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Save issue on servers with limited max_input_vars
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Translate - Missing esc_attr added
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Transform - Transition duration on mouse out
* Fixed: Header Builder - Sticky and Fixed header - Sticky wrap offset top
* Fixed: Shop - Cart - Product title with HTML tags
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Template selected in the product is the most important
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Images gallery - Missing variable product images
* Fixed: Shop - Cart - Coupon code - Unwanted label removed
* Fixed: Query Loop - Additional check added to prevent possible PHP error
* Fixed: Blank Page - Query Loop type: Slider
* Fixed: One Page - Sidebar menu links
* Fixed: Blog element - Filters - Hide categories excluded in Theme Options
* Fixed: Shop Products element - Infinite Load option
* Fixed: Slider element - Category select
* Fixed: Toggle element - Active item close on click
* Fixed: Setup Wizard - Database reset - Remove Privacy Policy page ID
* Fixed: WP Rocket plugin - Updating page from BeBuilder does not clear WP Rocket cache
* Added: New Toggle element
* Added: Mega Menu - Now available on multiple menu levels
* Added: Mega Menu Builder - Padding, background, and border
* Added: BeBuilder - Advanced tab - Background position - Option to set custom position
* Added: Header Menu element - Submenu width option
* Added: Header Builder - Plain Text/HTML element
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Post/Page select field - Special characters in the post title
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Single page import - Import pages with Slider plugin element
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Multiple values input fields - Join option
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Page preview does not refresh
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Shop categories element - Show top-level categories on non-shop pages
* Fixed: Query Loops - Type: Slider - Image align if WooCommerce plugin is active
* Fixed: Lottie element - PHP error
* Fixed: Map advanced element - JS console warning
* Fixed: BeBuilder Blocks - Plain text element - Resize
* Fixed: Templates - Shop: Single product - Save issue for sites with more than 100 000 posts/products
* Fixed: Templates - Shop - Shop products element - Empty product list after element option change
* Fixed: Templates - Conditions - WPML plugin compatibility
* Fixed: Templates - Prevent 404 error on some server configurations - Additional flush_rewrite_rules added
* Fixed: Shop - Archives page - Remove empty HTML element if layout options are hidden
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Product image - Disable Zoom option
* Fixed: Portfolio page without jQuery filtering - Missing JS script
* Fixed: Accessibility - Aria-label moved to link instead of submenu
* Fixed: WP Rocket plugin - Logo size if the 'Add missing image dimensions' option is enabled
* 2 Pre-built websites: Agency 8, Furniture Store 2
* 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Agency 8, Furniture Store 2
- WooCommerce 7.4 - Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files
* Added: BeBuilder - Builder to SEO - Generates builder content in an SEO plugin-friendly form
* Added: Header Builder - Menu element - Submenu active element color
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Post update - Save issue for sites with more than 100 000 posts/products
* Fixed: Header Builder - Header disappears on hover while editing template
* Fixed: Header Builder - Site Layout: Boxed - Sticky header width
* Fixed: Header Builder - Burger Menu element - Submenu icon overriding burger menu icon
* Fixed: Query Loops + Dynamic Data - {content:ID:term} tag
* Fixed: Dynamic Data - Display issue for sites with more than 100 000 posts/products
* Fixed: Portfolio - Masonry layouts - Items do not line up correctly
* Fixed: WooCommerce + Contact Form 7 - Header Login Form and Side Cart translation for languages different than English
* Improved: Accessibility - For voice-over users, the aria-label of a submenu contains the name of the menu item
- Entrance animations - Delay attribute
- New Google Fonts - 1482 fonts available
- Elementor - Blog widget - Option to use as Related Post - Exclude current post from query
- Elementor - Clients slider widget - Option to set number of clients per slide
- Elementor - Clients slider widget - Option to scroll one client at a time
- Elementor - Clients slider widget - Navigation arrows position option
- Loop Builder - Post type change when there are many Query loops on single page
- Loop Builder - Wrap loop - Enable query loop on empty wrap - Refresh query after adding element
- Loop Builder - Section loop - Dynamic data {featured_image} as wrap background
- BeBuilder content overlapping header submenus - Incorrect z-index removed
- Header and Footer Templates on password protected pages
- Column text element - HTML tags with inline styles - Element preview
- The Events Calendar plugin - Default plugin CSS styles
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- Design any type of slider, blog, portfolio or shop listing without limits- Dynamic Data - Intuitive modal with a list of all dynamic tags at your disposal anywhere on the page
- Year shortcode - Add current [year] automatically in Copyright area
- Elementor widget - Live Search
- Templates: Header - Menu burger element - Bouncing content on menu open
- Templates: Prevent 404 error on some server configurations after the first template is added
- BeBuilder - New section - Missing global section button
- BeBuilder Blocks - Section info - Background position - Minor PHP notice
- Live search element - Next section z-index lowered to prevent content overlapping
- Option to hide WordPress Editor affects only post types which support BeBuilder
- One Page - Main menu - Active on scroll when Entrance animations are disabled
- Sticky Header - Wrong header position if page has already been scrolled and is refreshed or is opened with #hash
- Section with parallax background image - Duplicated image removed
- Accessibility: Keyboard support - ESC key press - Close mega menu on all type of links inside, not only menu items
- Contact Form 7 plugin - Unwanted column padding removed
- The Events Calendar plugin - Breadcrumbs if Events Calendar widget is in place on the page
- Revolution Slider + Lightbox - Button with lightbox rel attribute
- WPML plugin - Load BeBuilder local styles from the primary language if styles for the current language do not exist
- Pre-built website:
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- Elementor pre-built website:
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
- Buttons - Style: Custom - Option to set box shadow.
- Heading element - Option to set title hover color
- Clients slider element - Option to scroll one client at a time
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- Clients post type - Option to open client link in the same window
- Accessibility - Header Builder support
- BeBuilder - History - Option to disable autosave
- BeBuilder - History - Undo and Redo - Unwanted site scroll removed
- BeBuilder - Additional information element - Minor PHP notice
- BeBuilder - Safari browser: Order field
- Templates: Header & Footer on Search page which has no results
- Templates: Shop + Footer template - Footer outside the main #Wrapper
- Templates: Footer - Image Gallery element - Missing HTML tags
- Betheme Dashboard - Plugins - Check if plugin folder exists
- Accessibility: Keyboard support + Shop: Show secondary image on hover
- Search results page - Page title - Unanted slash removed
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- Portfolio - Load more and Masonry layouts - JS object error
- Section style: Dark - Our Team element - Social icon color
- Responsive - Tablet - Main menu - Unwanted active element background color
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- PHP 8.1 - Division by zero error
- BeCustom plugin - Redirect URL when theme switching
- Elementor plugin - Be Icon box & Be List widgets - Check if image and icon fields are not empty
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- 2 Pre-built websites:
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.,Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- 2 Elementor pre-built websites:
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.,Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
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