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- Shop - Single Product - Option to hide WordPress editor content for all products
- Heading element - Option to add inline shortcode in title field
- List element - Target attribute for list element with link
- BeBuilder - Single page import
- BeBuilder - List element - Missing CSS file when new element added
- BeBuilder - Blog element - Style: Photo 2 - Padding assigned to wrong div
- BeBuilder - Live search element - z-index
- Templates: Header - Bouncing sticky header on resize
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- Templates: Header & Footer on Author and Date archives
- Templates: Shop - If one product is hidden, the products loop stops
- Shop - Missing closing div tag in main WooCommerce PHP template
- BeBuilder Blocks - Element Additional CSS field - Unwanted following semicolon removed
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- BeBuilder Blocks - List element resize
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- Header Creative - Duplicated background image
- Multisite - BeBuilder roles and capabilities
- Contact Form 7 plugin - Unwanted spinner empty div removed
- Elementor plugin + Slider Revolution plugin - Open image or video in lightbox
- The Events Calendar plugin - Page title if Events Calendar widget is in place on the page
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- Cache plugins - Images with data-src atribute in ajax loaded content
- 2 Pre-built websites:
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.,Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- 2 Elementor pre-built websites:
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.,Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
- Multisite - Pre-built websites - Attachments import
- BeBuilder - Post Options - Escape HTML to prevent XSS vulnerability
- Progress icons shortcode - Option to set color icons and transparent background
- 2 Pre-built websites:
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.,Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- 2 Elementor pre-built websites:
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.,Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
- Blog element - Option to use as Related Post - Exclude current post from query
- Setup Wizard - Setup stucks at last step
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- Templates: Header - Once set, the exclusion condition cannot be turned off
- Header - Cart icon with when price has additional text e.g., Excl. VAT
- Header Builder - My account - Login form - Duplicated form
- Shop - Side Cart - Cart icon link
- Sticky wrap - Bouncing entrance animation
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- Blog - Server error 500 if more than 10000 WordPress users are registered
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- Under Construction page - Countdown - Missing JS file
- Under Construction page - Text logo
- Pre-built websites - Minor PHP Notice after demo content import
- Column text element - Option to set content links color
- Shop slider element - Option to exclude out of stock products
- Plugins - Update button does not appear
- BeBuilder - Shop slider element - Element rerendering in preview window
- BeBuilder - GDPR notice - Hide permanently in page preview window
- Gallery shortcode in Helper element content - Lightbox
- Templates: Header - Position: Fixed - Bouncing header on site load
- Templates: Shop - Template conditions - Exclude category
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- Templates: Shop + Performance - Files location - Builder local styles: Inline in header
- Theme Options - Theme functions - Option to hide Pre-built websites and Setup Wizard
- Theme Options - Colors - PHP 8 deprecated notice if rgba color is used in some fields
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- Theme Options - Slider type fields - Slider keeps resetting if 0 set
- BeBuilder Blocks - Missing builder background color
- Shop - Unable to save product content in BeBuilder Blocks
- Shop Products element - Style: List - Text align
- Child theme - BeBuilder - Missing icon in remove element modal
New features
Setup Wizard
- New Betheme Dashboard
- Pre-Built Websites Importer with automatic plugin installation
- Theme Options panel available in the BeBuilder
- Global sections and wraps
- Clients slider element - Navigation arrows position option
- Shop categories element - Categories display options - Main categories and subcategories
- 2 Pre-built websites: Business 6, Betheme Store 2
- 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Business 6, Betheme Store 2
- Header Builder - Sticky Header bounce when scrolling default header
- Templates conditions for Header and Footer - Custom post types are treated as pages
- Image element - Minor PHP notice
- Gallery element - Lightbox on page which has Elementor content
- Performance - Cache fonts local - Additional subsets
- Shop - Checkout - Google pay button
- My account - Login form - Remember me checkbox is unclickable
- Elementor plugin - Unwanted deprecated notice
- Revolution Slider plugin + Elementor - Broken slider preview
- WPML plugin - Shop: Side Cart
- Map Advanced element - Additional markers - Optional Title is used as tab title if not empty
Version – September 1, 2022
* Added: BeBuilder - All links inside element with class 'scroll' have smooth scroll
* Added: Header Builder - Menu burger element - Submenu styles
* Added: WPML plugin - Templates - Different templates of different languages
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Page Options - Sidebars list did not refresh after adding sidebar
* Fixed: Header Builder & Mega Menu - Sticky header disappears on menu link hover
* Fixed: Header Builder & Footer Builder templates on author archives page
* Fixed: Header Builder - Sticky Header bounce when scrolling from default header
* Fixed: Header Builder - Submenu items - Word wrap
* Fixed: Footer Builder - Menu element - Word wrap
* Fixed: Templates - Shop - Single product - Missing 'Start building' button when builder is empty
* Fixed: Shop - Products list - Thumbnail cropping in Customizer
* Fixed: Shop - Price filter - Slider color
* Fixed: Shop - Quick preview - Close button covering modal content
* Fixed: Accessibility - Aria-labels translatable #64846
* Fixed: Safari browser - Header Builder - Fade in animation
* Fixed: RTL - Header Builder - Search element alignment
* Fixed: Shop products element - Order field - JS error on drag start
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - If all variations are 'out of stock', product information does not display
* Fixed: Shop - Cart - Header Builder sticky header position
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Shop products element - Products list sometimes is empty if the WooCommerce option "Hide out of stock items from the catalog" is enabled
* Fixed: Be Shop Attributes widget - PHP 8 deprecated notices
* Fixed: Pre-built websites - Menu items - Custom meta fields import fails if the database prefix is changed
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Custom sidebar select
* Fixed: BeBuilder Blocks - Column element - CodeMirror code editor - Add shortcode link
* Fixed: BeBuilder Blocks - Lottie element resize
* Fixed: Header Builder - Promo Bar - In some cases, text is duplicated when returned from another tab
* Fixed: Images - Srcset option - The disable option does not work with all images
* Fixed: Colors - Footer - Copyright border color
* 2 Pre-built websites: VR, Biker 4
* 2 Elementor pre-built websites: VR, Biker 4
- Shop - Products list - Option to return to old images width. Recommended if you have a lot of smaller-sized photos in your store.
- WPML plugin - String translation - Theme Options > Fonts > Font family
- Shop - Templates - Single product template not loading for new products
- Shop - Product quantity input - Step as decimal number
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- BeBuilder - Overlapping header and slider edit icons
- HTML Tables - Auto responsive option.
- Search page - Templates removed from search results
- Buttons - Style: Custom - Button Highlighted
- Table of contents element - Scroll to heading when Header Template is active
- Page Options - Non-working checkboxes
- Tablet - Blog: 4 columns - Broken 2 columns layout
- Accessibility - ESC key in dropdown menu
- Elementor 3.7 plugin - Deprecated function 'is_built_with_elementor' replaced
- WooCommerce Stripe Gateway plugin - Missing payment button
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