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Это последний запланированный релиз перед тем, как в следующем месяце мы начнем предоставлять ручные загрузки для Bricks 2.0 (альфа, бета, RC) для тестирования.
Основное внимание уделялось исправлению ошибок и улучшениям, а не новым функциям, которых будет много в версии 2.0
- Bricks AJAX add to cart: Check if product support AJAXImprove
- Taxonomy: Add flex-wrap: wrap by defaultImprove
- WooCommerce: Empty .before-checkout div on checkout pageImprove
- Builder Content/Style tabs disappear when “Components” tab is activeFix
- Using multiple HTML attributes generates additional attributes on the frontendFix
- WooCommerce: Brand always shows on Product Meta elementFix
- WooCommerce: Checkout notice style differs (v9.5.1)Fix
Скачать Bricks Builder v1.11.1.1 - Build WordPress Sites That Rank Nulled Free
Just a quick hotfix release after the massive 1.11.1 release earlier this week and to address some issues caused by the new WordPress 6.7.
Full changelog
- Builder: Search individual post with 100+ results issueFix
- Dropdown: Caret styling incorrectFix
- Image: Attribute “sizes” new auto value causes image width issue (WordPress 6.7)Fix
- Dropdown: Nested dropdown doesn’t open on hoverFix
- PHP warning: undefined array key “optionMetaValue” (filter-base.php)Fix
- Products element: Query setting not workingFix
- Query Loop (Main Query) with exclude terms causes fatal PHP errorFix
- WooCommerce 9.4.1: Update outdated Woo templateFix
- WooCommerce: Checkout Coupon: JS error (if Bricks Woo Notice disabled)Fix
- WordPress 6.7: Bricks translations not loadingFix
- Product Cart Cross Sell: Heading setting not appliedFix
Скачать Bricks Builder v1.10.3 - Build WordPress Sites That Rank Nulled Free
Full changelog
- Builder: “Copy styles” action in active selector barNew
- Video element: Disable download, fullscreen, remote playback (via controlsList, not supported by Firefox)New
- Lightbox video: Disable controlsNew
- Builder: Show “HTML tag not allowed” error message for not-allowed HTML tagsNew
- New filter: bricks/allowed_html_tags (to extend allowed custom HTML tags)New
- Lightbox caption: Remove fallback to alt attribute valueImprove
- Map element: Click map on canvas doesn’t open settings (no API key)Improve
- Maintenance mode: Show popups for users with bypass capabilityImprove
- Builder: Code control not re-initialised after panel tab change (using disable auto-expand)Fix
- Comments element: Guests can’t see their unapproved commentFix
- Element breadcrumbs: Custom name with tag not rendered correctlyFix
- Map element: border-radius overflow (no API key)Fix
- Maps element: Dynamic data not working (no API key)Fix
- Template screenshot on “save as template” not workingFix
- Toggle element: Bar color uses wrong selectorFix
Скачать Bricks Builder v1.10.1 - Build WordPress Sites That Rank Nulled Free
v1.10.1 - August 13, 2024
This is a quick hotfix release tackling the reported “disappearing elements” in the builder (after moving an element) and a few other tasks. It should also fix the issue where element settings were not applied to the active element after moving an element.
Full changelog
- WooCommerce – Breadrcrumbs: Link: Home (New setting)New
- Carousel: Adaptive height image width not appliedImprove
- Products filter box list not fired if click on the li (due to padding)Improve
- Builder: Element disappears from the structure & canvas after drag & dropFix
- Builder: Empty element attribute or attribute with spaces breaks the builderFix
- Filter bricks/element/render no longer working correctlyFix
- Popup: Animated Typing (without loop) starts on page loadFix
- Posts: Image width doesn’t workFix
- Product tabs element: Typography selector is too unspecificFix
- Builder: Sync Global Classes (Notifications)
- Builder: Always show “View on frontend” icon & new keyboard shortcut (CMD/CRTL + SHIFT + V)
- Builder: New interface icons
- Comments element: New setting “HTML tag” for comments title
- Form element: New field settings for “autocomplete” & “spellcheck”
- Maintenance Mode: New settings to “Render header” & “Render footer”
- Performance: Minify Bricks inline CSS
- Popup: New setting “Show again after .. hours”
- Icon List: New “Icon color” setting & color specificity
- Image element: Support “image_size_names_choose” WP core hook to set custom image size label
- Builder: Minimise element duplication lag
- Builder: Improve performance for class add/remove; element rename/delete
- Builder: Remove variable picker icon overlap (legacy spacing controls)
- Builder: Settings indicator reset not 100% clickable
- Builder: Color palette variable picker font-weight (400)
- Carousel element: Lightbox link should include “href”
- Nav menu element: Hamburger aria-label (open/close mobile menu)
- Page settings: Scripts only available to user with “unfiltered_html” capability
- Popup: Allow interaction with page content when backdrop is disabled (pointer-events)
- Products element (in footer): Empty loop/no products found on archive pages
- Remove SVG overflow: hidden rule
- Rich text element: CTRL + P keyboard shortcut shouldn’t open the browser print dialog
- Updated: Google fonts
- Dynamic data: Remove outermost curly brackets only (while parsing)
- Builder: “hidden” icon shows on wrong breakpoint(s)
- Builder: Click on element without settings, then reload tab triggers unsaved changes message
- Builder: Condition with DD causes 503 HTTP error
- Builder: Jiggling section (when container padding set)
- Builder: Fix variable picker icon z-index (visible under classes dropdown)
- Builder: Remove variable picker from CSS filter setting
- Bricks settings: Can’t add more than two remote templates
- Bricks settings: “Save Bricks data as Gutenberg data” not working
- ACF clone fields setup on Group or Flexible Content display wrongly (wp-admin)
- Accordions: Hash link pointing to parent element (e.g. section) toggles first accordion item
- Button: “.outline” class not added when no “Style” is set
- Comments element: Existing comments don’t show when comments are closed
- Dynamic data: Don’t translate ACF true / false field value in element conditions
- Form element: Email HTML content broken
- Form element: “all_fields” rendered twice in confirmation email
- Image element: CSS selector should target element root whenever possible
- Image gallery element: Masonry layout images overlap on slow network when loading=lazy attribute added (via plugins, etc.)
- Multiple radio filters using same taxonomy don’t work when combined with other filters
- Photoswipe defer breaks enqueue due to “src” replace in URL
- Polylang Pro + ACF translated field group: Creating post validation failed in Bricks 1.9.8
- Post (title, etc.) element condition generates PHP warning on 404 page
- Products element set as main query in search template bug (irrelevant post type included)
- Query loop: Ignore “Is main query” if query loop is disabled
- Query filter: Sort meta numeric value not working with decimal number; Select filter trigger on “submit” not working
- Video element: playsinline attribute was always set
- WPML & Polylang: Query loop infinite scrolling returns the wrong language or wrong template might load
- WPML + Multicurrency Language URL format causing currency incorrect in Bricks Rest API
- WooCommerce: My account dashboard template overrides custom endpoint templates
- WooCommerce: Google fonts set in Woo template not loading
- Style tab: Setting indicator
- Code Element: Dynamic Data Support
- Toolbar: Breakpoint Setting Indicator
- Duplicate Page (WP & Bricks data)
- New DD tag: post_slug
- CSS Variables Manager
- Code element: New setting “Suppress error message”
- Filter Datepicker: New setting “Date format” (to get correct min/max date)
- New filter: bricks/nav_menu/menu (set nav menu programmatically)
- Cache remote templates (client-side, via IndexedDB, for 7 days)
- DD filter array_value: Support WP core custom fields (e.g. cf_xxx:array_value|key)
- New custom JavaScript events: bricks/tabs/changed, bricks/accordion/open, bricks/accordion/close
- New spacing control UI + toggle (margin, padding)
- Bricks settings: Optimize get_users query (avoid any memory limits)
- Builder: Flex basis input not expanding
- Builder: Unsplash scrollbar needs higher contrast
- Code review: Sort echo function names alphabetically (A-Z)
- Pagination: Add flex-wrap
- Popup: Improved performance (for AJAX-loaded popups)
- Query loop: “No results” should take HTML tag setting into account
- Show Bricks 1.9.7 admin notice only to users who can perform the steps
- Structure panel: Fix rename lag
- Structure panel: Fix reorder lag
- Template element: Performance improvements
- Updated: Font Awesome from 6.4.2 to 6.5.1
- Builder: Generate new element IDs when using “Save as template” (avoid duplicate element ID issue)
- Change bricksToggle function to a BricksFunction to avoid adding multiple events when function reruns through 3rd-party plugin
- Progress Bar: Don’t show label if empty
- Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.8.2
- Remove filter: bricks/code/disable_signatures
- More flexible echo filter: bricks/code/echo_function_names
- Appearance > Menus > Menu item: “Multilevel” option not saved
- Bricks Settings: LastPass browser extensions blocks Remote Templates “add” button
- Builder: ACF relationship/post object loop 1st image from custom field always empty
- Builder: Element Custom CSS: Broken CSS class names
- Builder: First in-loop result with DD tag not rendered correctly (for x-template elements like Heading)
- Builder: Shortcode element placeholder width and height incorrect
- Filter – Checkbox element: Space in meta value causes issue
- Filter – Checkbox element: JavaScript error on taxonomy page
- Filter element: Indentation gap not applying on disabled options
- Filter – Input placeholder: echo dd tag doesn’t work after filtering
- Filter: Meta Query merge logic bug when original query has predefined Meta Query
- Form element: Input validation performance issue
- Form submissions: Form name not shown if form element located in header/footer template
- Image Gallery: Masonry layout issue inside Nested tabs
- Image element: Wrong selector for border radius
- Instagram element: Token regeneration not working
- Live search: Custom tag structure issues (table)
- Mini Cart element: Offcanvas ‘bottom’ incorrect top value (if admin bar enabled)
- Product gallery element: Missing product gallery image outputs PHP error
- Nestable Slider: ‘Items to show’ incorrect for breakpoints larger than base breakpoint
- Nested dynamic tag: Not working correctly in element condition
- Nested echo tag: Not executed in frontend (if whole page only has one DD tag on heading element)
- Form submissions: PHP Fatal Error “WP_List_Table class not found”
- Query loop meta_query with ‘relation’ key outputs PHP error
- Polylang: Search results not working on translated page
- Post comments: Fix comment_form_default_fields syntax
- Posts element: Sort & filter works only on every second click
- Query Filter: “Hide empty” still shows in Safari
- Query Loop: Nested echo tag not working
- Query loop: Random seed not working if query set as Main Archive Query
- Query loop set as main query: Dynamic tag in parameters not working
- Query filter element with Condition might cause undefined after filter calls
- Rich & Basic Text elements: Limit words adds additional ‘p’ tags
- Save Bricks data as Gutenberg data: replace post_content tag brackets with parenthesis to avoid infinite loop
- Session expired text rendered (when using Formidable form with AJAX enabled)
- Filter – Select: Sort returns every post within a category
- Tax Query: Not used when marking the query as Main Archive Query
- Term Query with Query Editor and Infinite Scroll: Always returned same result
- Infinite scroll returns empty result on archive page if query element ID was duplicated in another template (Bricks: Save as template)
- Text shadow: Double unit
- Undefined array key “comment” (when using ReviewX plugin)
- AJAX Pagination: Custom icons reset to default (after enabling Query Filter)
- Builder: Link to External URL: Can’t link to file URL
- Border control: border-width: 0 when using CSS variables & PHP 7.x
- DD tag url_parameter: Not parsing if colon exists in URL
- Attributes setting: DD tag echo nested with other DD tag not working inside
- Image gallery: Masonry layout images overlap
- Builder: Typo in Nav nestabled dropdown settings
Лицензионный ключ: вписываете любые данные
- Fix add/update postmeta for user without builder access issue
- Bricks settings: Lost password options show incorrect page title
- Post comments: Allow to select multiple fields
- Code execution: Disabled by default
- Code signatures
- Code review
- Filter: Radio & Checkbox indentation prefix & gap setting
- Filter: Checkbox, Radio & Select: New setting “Label: All terms”
- Post comments: New “Fields” setting & Support WP filter comment_form_default_fields
- Always show “Enable auto-updates” link for Bricks (Appearance > Themes)
- Disable Autoptimize plugin in builder
- Remove empty array in global classes before save to database
- splide.min.js not minified
- Image Gallery: Use real images (instead of background images)
- Bricks settings: Rename and move “Add element ID as needed” setting from “Performance” to “General” tab
- Posts element: Use real images (instead of background images)
- Related Posts element: Use real images (instead of background images)
- Builder: Background control (popup) color tooltip not showing
- Code element: Not rendered on frontend if global element or inside template
- Color palette: Color changes when changing transparency
- Form: Save submission with non-latin characters (page slug)
- Query loop: HTML comment as query result placeholder not working looping tr tag
- Query loop: PHP error with term includes
- Query filter: Index table missing (creation error MariaDB)
- WooCommere: Notices not styleable in WooCommerce 8.6
- WooCommerce: Sale badge percentage error if set by plugin or hook
- Builder: 1st loop item value not rendered correctly
- Code element: All backslashes removed if saved by Edit Content user
- Image element: border-radius not applied (link, figure)
- Builder: Allow ‘Edit content’ user to sort/DnD element items (Accordion, Slider, Image gallery, Carousel, etc.)
- Query loop: No results text causing overflow
- Lightbox script (Photoswipe) enqueued with just lightboxId set
- Icon font enqueue not working
- Bricks settings: Custom auth dropdowns not showing all pages with WPML/Polylang
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