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ШаблонCroster - WHMCS CMS Theme By ThemeMetro
Have a look at all the features, improvements and bug fixed in Croster 2.0.10
Fully supported WHMCS 8.9.x
Added: SEO Friendly URLs option in Page Manager pages.
Fixed: Client area Dashboard titles clickable issue.
Fixed: Product Group section calculating pricing of hidden and out of stock products.
Fixed: Product Group section showing wrong monthly even lowest product billing cycle is one time.
Fixed: MarketConnect menu items can not hide from the default menu, Now this can be disabled from MarketConnect service settings by disable Landing Page Link option.
Fixed: Image Gallery section alt tag issue.
Fixed: Page sections if item listings are more than 20.
Fixed: Display issue in cart product recommendation when dark mode enabled.
Single Page Checkout
Fixed: Product custom field issue when it is dropdown.
Fixed: if domain search has a dot by mistake it creates error 500.
Fixed: In Own domain if by mistake hit enter its getting error 500r.
Fixed: When entering wrong information for already registered users it is not showing any error.
Fixed: When a subdomain is added it does not show any success message.
Fixed: When users revisit the order page Or change currency/language getting 500 error.
Fixed: In Stripe Payment gateway or some custom gateway loader is not showing in order process time.