Совместимость с XenForo
  1. XF 2.0
  2. XF 2.1
  3. XF 2.2
Slovenian translation for XenForo
(user interface) is fully translated. Some phrases may be translated for our needs, but you can edit it yourself. If you still find some untranslated or strange translated phrase, please post your suggestions in this topic.

Back-end (admin panel) is not translated and there are no plans to do so.

Terms of use:
  • you are allowed to edit phrases
  • you are not allowed to redistribute this translation as your own work in any way, remove or change the copyright notice (unless you buy a branding removal license!)
It's recommended to edit these phrases to suit your needs (Appearance/Phrases):
  • for Cookie Policy edit: help_cookies_description
  • for Terms and Rules edit: terms_rules_text
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Slovenski prevod za XenForo
(uporabniški izgled) je v celoti preveden. Morda so nekatere fraze prevedene za naše potrebe, vendar jih lahko sami enostavno spremenite. V kolikor najdete neprevedeno ali neobičajno prevedeno frazo, nam to sporočite v tej temi.

Back-end (administratorska plošča) ni prevedena in tudi ni v planu, da bo.

Pogoji uporabe:
  • dovoljeno je urejanje in spreminjanje fraz
  • ni dovoljeno reproduciranje prevoda kot vaše delo v kakršnikoli obliki, odstranitev ali sprememba značke (besedilo s povezavo na dnu foruma), razen v primeru, da ste kupili licenco za odstranitev značke
Priporočamo, da uredite naslednje fraze, saj bodo tako najbolje ustrezale vaši spletni strani (Appearance/Phrases):
  • za obvestilo o piškotkih uredite: help_cookies_description
  • za pravila in pogoje uporabe uredite: terms_rules_text

Связанные ресурсы:
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