DriveMond v1.8 - Ride Sharing & Parcel Delivery Solution Scripts [Combo Pack] Nulled Free
v1.8 - 22 September 2024
New Feature & Fixing (Backend)
Driver & User Referral Earning Setup: Implemented referral earning system for drivers and users.
Parcel Cancellation & Return Fee Setup: Added configuration for parcel cancellation fees and return fees.
Parcel Cancellation Reason Setup: Introduced parcel cancellation reason setup for better tracking.
Parcel Return Time & Exceed Fee Setup: Enabled return time setup for parcels with an additional fee for exceeding the return time.
Admin Panel Trip List Filter Implementation: Implemented filters in the trip list for easier management and tracking.
Admin Dashboard Parcel & Trip Earning Display: Enhanced dashboard to show earnings from parcels and trips.
Admin Panel Report Analytics Design Change: Redesigned the report analytics section in the admin panel for a better user experience.
Admin Panel & Landing Page Default Color Palette Change: Updated the default color palette for the admin panel and landing page.
Some Issue Fixing: Resolved various issues for smoother system performance.
New Feature & Fixing (Front End)
User App :
Referral and Earn Feature Added: Introduced a referral and earn feature for both drivers and users to boost engagement.
Notification Screen New Design Added: Redesigned the notification screen for a more intuitive and polished user experience.
Parcel Cancellation Flow Added: Implemented a streamlined flow for parcel cancellations, improving user experience.
Parcel Return Flow Added: Added a detailed return flow for parcels, allowing for better management and tracking.
UI Design Polish: Overall improvements in the design to enhance user interface and user experience.
Issue Fixes: Addressed and fixed known issues for better system stability.
Ongoing Trip Details Screen New Design Added: Updated the design for the ongoing trip details screen for a more modern and user-friendly experience.
Driver App :
Referral and Earn Feature Added: Continued enhancements to the referral and earn feature, providing more opportunities for user and driver engagement.
Notification Screen New Design Added: Further improvements to the notification screen for a cleaner and more user-friendly design.
Parcel Cancellation Flow Added: Enhanced parcel cancellation flow for smoother handling of cancellation requests.
Parcel Return Flow Added: Refined parcel return process, ensuring better control and visibility for users and admins.
UI Design Polish: General design improvements to enhance the look and feel of the user interface.
DriveMond Version: 1.8
Laravel Version: 10.48.12
PHP Version: 8.2
Flutter SDK Version: 3.24.0