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Модуль Easy Import Products From CSV, EXCEL, XML, JSON, TXT v7.4.3

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импортируйте продукты из файлов CSV, XLS, XLSX, XML, JSON, TXT
  • Easy import products and combinations from CSV, EXCEL (XLS / XLSX), XML, JSON, TXT files.
  • Just upload your import file and match columns with the right product properties and enjoy flawless bulk import of your data.
  • Regardless of the size of your import file, the module will import all data without any timeout issues.
  • Server timeout problem is resolved by using AJAX and importing data in portions.
  • You can configure CRON Job to import data from any accessible location, for example, URL, File Path, FTP, SFTP .
  • You can update products by Reference, ID, EAN, Supplier Reference, MPN .
  • The module provides many options to configure it according to your needs.
  • You can see progress of import by CRON right in the module page.
  • You can track import history in the “Import Logs” page which provides many useful information about your imports.
Easy Import Products From CSV, EXCEL, XML, JSON, TXT 7.3.9
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