Added: Added PDFs to Fun'N'Learn comprehension
Added: Added Youtube video to Fun'N'Learn comprehension
Added: Added a "Buy Coins" button in the "Not Enough Coins" dialog.
Added: Added images in questions for Fun'N'Learn
Added: Bumped dependencies to the latest versions.
Added: Compatibility with Xcode 16
Added: Compatibility with the latest Flutter version (v3.27.1)
Added: Reduced APK size by enabling native library extraction
Added: Updated Gradle and Android dependencies
Fixed: Fixed the Latex mode setting issue (previously affecting Maths Quiz)
Fixed: Fixed the app loading issue when language mode is disabled
Fixed: Fixed the issue where category details were still shown in the joining sheet (battle room) when category mode is disabled
Fixed: Resolved the app translation updating issue
Improved: Enhanced the UI for the top three ranks in the leaderboard.
Improved: Refactored and cleaned up the code
Improved: Refactored the app translation code