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Примечание: Эта функция может быть недоступна в некоторых браузерах.

Иконка ресурса

Шаблон Enfold v5.6.2

Нет прав для скачивания
Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme
fixed: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function apply_filter() in class avia_masonry
feature: add option to filter ALB product elements for product tags

Product Grid
Product List
Product Slider

added: Note that appending a Search Icon to menu is only available when Top Header layout is selected

fixed: CSS masonry with 1px gap - selector too weak
fixed: Uncaught Error: Attempt to assign property "extra" on null in ../config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/class-asset-manager.php:1175
fixed: Event Tickets Plus - modal popup not showing with Attendee Registration
fixed: js notice "Loading the Google Maps JavaScript API without a callback is not supported"
fixed: demos import for extra iconfonts broken (e.g. medical demo)
fixed: ALB Fullwidth Easy Slider's stretched video prevents video controls to be clicked
fixed: Undefined array key "bar_styling_secondary" in progressbar.php when importing demo

WPML comp.: added logic to hide WPML specific taxonomies from post categories (e.g. translation_priority)

updated: Layerslider v7.6.8
updated: Google Maps script to v3.52
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.4.1, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)
updated: French language files fr_FR (version 5.4 provided by comkapi - Patrick)
updated: sync all language files (5.4.1-dev-2)


added: filter 'avf_wpml_default_exclude_taxonomies': allows to add/modify WPML specific taxonomies to exclude
added: filter 'avf_select_product_taxonomies' - filter the product tags to select taxonomies from
- feature: ALB columns reverse or individual resort order when switching to fullwidth on mobile devices
- feature: ALB grid row reverse or individual resort order of cells when switching to fullwidth on mobile devices
- feature: theme option "Transparency Menu Color On Hover"
- feature: ALB video element option to show fullscreen button for HTML5 videos

- fixed: missing comma in CSS for mobile and svg makes svg huge
- fixed: button CSS top border issue on :active - removed !important in button.css
- fixed: Option Remove query string from static resources breaks invalidation of post css files - option will be ignored for these files
- fixed: ALB Text Block custom element lockable custom CSS class missing
- fixed: fullwidth submenu alignment ignored for mobile button
- fixed: undefined constant THEMENAME in Mailchimp Newsletter Signup widget
- fixed: typography font size not applied in block editor in frontend
- fixed: ALB masonry gallery lightbox title not corresponding to options settings for flexible masonry
- fixed: ALB magazine category sort buttons break frontend when no entries are found
- fixed: svg logo broken when svg tag in multiple lines
- fixed: svg logo not displayed for non logged in users
- fixed: Italian translation breaking selectbox in ALB Image Hotspot tooltip location

- tweak: add missing schema.org markup to section background videos and slideshow videos
- tweak: accessibility support:
- added: Accessibility Tab to Theme Extensions Page
- added: tab key access support to main menu with submenus and megamenu
- added: visual appearance with keyboard access to menus (focus now equivalent to mouse hover effects)
- added: attributes role="menuitem" tabindex="0" to menu items
- added: started support for plugin "One Click Accessibility" ( )
- added: started support for plugin "WP Accessibility" ( )
- tweak: remove ":" when empty label text from contact form emails
- tweak: extended date filter to "last xxx days/weeks/month/years" for ALB elements:
Post Slider
Accordion Slider
Featured Image Slider

- added: filter 'avf_social_media_icon_display_name' - change tooltip display name of icon
- added: filter 'avf_form_mail_label' - allows to change label text on E-Mail of a contact form
- added: filter 'avf_wp_accessibility_outline_width' - change hardcoded plugin value for focus caret
- added: filter 'avf_wp_accessibility_outline_style' - change hardcoded plugin value for focus caret

Following elements have been updated to support post-css file:

Dropcap 1 (Big Letter)
Dropcap 2 (Colored Background)
Fullwidth Sub Menu
Grid Row + Grid Cells
OSM - Leaflet Map
Post Metadata
Social Buttons

- Updated: LayerSlider Version 6.11.9

- updated: French language files fr_FR (version, provided by comkapi - web@subit.fr)
- updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 4.8.7 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
- updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 4.8.7, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)
- updated: sync all language files version 4.8.7
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