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Примечание: В настоящее время для использования этой функции требуется доступ к сайту с помощью встроенного браузера Safari.
Added A discreet shadow to the Floating Button.
v6.3.4 Fixed Conditional Content Shortcode errors when the content contains the word 'if' and an odd number of quotes.
Adds support for Google Analytics 4. Google Analytics Universal Code will be shutting down July 1, 2023. Adds support for Geolocation Smart Tags: {geo.country}, {geo.countrycode}, {geo.city}, {geo.region}, {geo.location}. Adds ability to hide a popup via the query string using the ?engagebox_hide=ID parameter. Fix: The animation of the Background Overlay may not be smooth when the popup is about to close. Fix: PHP 8.1 - explode(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($string) of type string is deprecated. The minimum required PHP version is now 7.0.0.
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