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Events Booking - Joomla Events Registration

Компонент Events Booking - Joomla Events Registration v5.0.4

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Расширение регистрации событий/менеджера событий
1. Совместимость с ACYMailing 10
Команда ACYMailing недавно выпустила ACYMailing 10, который является новым основным релизом их расширения. В этой версии они внесли некоторые обратно несовместимые изменения, и это приводит к фатальной ошибке в Events Booking, если вы используете плагин Events Booking - AcyMailing (при добавлении/редактировании события и процессе регистрации). Я обновил плагин для совместимости с этой последней версией ACYMailing, и мне нужно выпустить эту новую версию Events Booking, чтобы убедиться, что все будет работать хорошо, если вы используете плагин и обновитесь до ACYMailing 10.

2. Улучшение настраиваемого поля
- Разрешите более простой выбор большего количества правил проверки клиента для настраиваемого поля, как описано в документации . Вы можете выбрать несколько новых правил для своего настраиваемого поля с помощью настройки правил проверки.
- Для поля количества показывать доступное количество каждого варианта даже для суперпользователей/администраторов

3. Другие улучшения
- Разрешить контролировать настройку «Сумма депозита» для каждого события вместо глобальной настройки, которая применяется ко всем событиям.
- Поддержка большего количества тегов, таких как [REGISTER_DATE], [TICKET_NUMBER] для отправки сообщений электронной почты членам группы.

4. Исправлены мелкие ошибки
- Исправлена ссылка на событие из мини-календаря, которая не использует URL сведений о событии (если она установлена для события)
- Исправлен тип настраиваемого поля « Число» , позволяет устанавливать Мин, Макс и Шаг в десятичном числе (раньше можно было вводить только целые числа, то есть нельзя было установить шаг, например, 0,01)

Совместимость с ACYMailing 10 для обеспечения корректной работы процесса регистрации является основной причиной этого быстрого выпуска. Пожалуйста, обновите свой сайт до последней версии Events Booking, чтобы использовать эти улучшения и исправления ошибок, особенно если вы используете плагин Events Booking - ACYMailing. Спасибо, что продолжаете использовать наши продукты и поддерживаете нашу разработку.
1. Added Task - Events Booking House Keeping plugin

This plugin allows you to create schedule tasks to clean up Events Booking database and storage like deleting old invoices, tickets, certificates, remove registration records which use online payment methods but did not process payment...

+ Events Booking - Delete Old Invoices: If you enable invoice feature in Events Booking, for each registration, the system will create a PDF invoice and store in on a folder on server. Creating the schedule task for this task will help removing
these old invoices to save server disk space.
+ Events Booking - Delete PDF Tickets: This allows deleting old PDF tickes to save server disk space.
+ Events Booking - Delete PDF Certificates: This allows deleting old PDF certificates to save server disk space.
+ Events Booking - Delete Incomplete Payment Registrations: This allows removing registration records choose to use online payment methods such as PayPal, Stripe.... but did not complete payment (payment is failed, ignore...) after certain number of days
+ Events Booking - Clean Emails Log: This allows deleting email log records which are older than certain number of days.

2. Improve Full Calendar Menu Item Type

- Added Show Filter Bar parameter. If set to Yes, a filter will be displayed above calendar to allow searching, filtering events by category, location. See how it works on the demo site demo.joomdonation.com/eventsbooking/calendar/calendar-modern

3. SEO Improvements

Added Robots setting for category and event.

4. Other Improvements

- Improve User Registration Integration: Added Use Email As Username config option. If set to Yes, users can use email as username when create a new user account through event registration form

- Added Interval parameter to Improve Advanced Events Slider Module to allow control the auto play interval duration of the slider

- Improve Event Details Page: Display Event Custom Fields on event details page of parent event.

- Added config option to allow controlling invoice page format.

- Allow disable sending ICS file for individual event.

- Improve Events Booking - Webhook plugin: Added parameter to allow sending registrant data to external URL even for offline payment registration which are still Pending.

- Show image preview of the uploaded image file on Registrants Management screen

5. Updated Payment Plugins

- Some payment plugins like SaferPay Json, Stripe, Stripe Checkout were being updated to latetst version of their provided library to make sure it is fully compatible with current PHP versions
- Updated Clover Hosted Checkout payment plugin to only pass address data to Clover if address field is collected on registration form

5. Bugs Fixes:
- Fixed voucher not working due to a bug in 5.0.1
- Fixed sponsor not being displayed on slider layout of Sponsor plugin
- Fixed pagination link not working on search result page (due to some changes in Joomla 5.2.0)
1. Improve SQL field type

Allow setting Prompt Text (use as the first option for the field). For example, if you create custom field to display list of users, you can set Prompt Text to Select User to make it more clear for your users.
2. Allow controlling when to show Number Registered Users for your event

Sometime, you only want to show Number Registered User for your event it is greater than certain value (you do not want visitors know that the event has not had anyone or only few users registered for it yet). For that, you can use new added config option called Only Show Number Registered Users If Greater Than Or Equal
3. Improve Events Export/Import

Added free_event_registration_status information to events export/import
4. Allow easier selecting events

If you have too many events, selecting an event from events dropdown (on Registrants Management screen, when you add new Registrant...) could be a challenge. In that case, you can set Enable Select Event From Modal config option to Yes. By doing that, instead of having to find and select an event from a dropdown, you can click on a button to see list of events from modal popup, then search and select the event you want from there.
5. General Code Improvement

As mentioned, we continue the effort of refactoring Events Booking code base to use latest Joomla 1/ Joomla 5 API in this release. That improves code quality of the extension and make sure it will continue working well with future releases of Joomla.
6. Bugs Fixes

Some bugs found, reported by customers and got fixed in this release:

- Coupon Discount is not applied properly when using Shopping Cart
- Only send PDF tickets to group members if it is configured
- Passing correct mime type for ICS file in email
- Fixed selected option is not cleared when clicking on remove icon on some filter dropdowns in the backend
- Allow display plugin outputs properly when multiple events details are being displayed on a single page (using page builder)
- Fixed sending reminder email when 6th reminder is used

Please update your site to this latest version of Events Booking to use these improvements. Thanks for continue using our products and support our development
Events Booking v5.0.0
1. Implement support for images lazy loading

We implement images lazy loading for categories and events (category and upcoming events) menu item types. By telling browsers to only load images when it is loaded, that would speed up page loading when users access to these pages on your site.

2. Compatible with Dard Mode in Joomla 5.1

There were some changes in Dark Mode implementation (which are improvements), so we need to make some changes in Events Booking to have it works better with Dark Mode in Joomla 5.1.

3. Improve Calendar Menu Item Types

Added parameters to allow filter events displayed on calendar base on Speakers, Created By and City.

4. Added Events Booking - Auto Event Data Plugin

This plugin allows you to set Cancel Before Date of event automatically X-days before Event Date if needed. This is useful in case you don't want to enter Cancel Before Date manually for each event.

5. Improve Search Filter

If you configured the menu items to display events from certain location only, the system will only display configured locations instead of all locations in the filter.

6. Bugs Fixes
- Fixed meta data not being rendered on category page even it is already configured in menu item
- Added some code to prevent Admin Tools blocks Ajax Request to recalculate registration fee when there is no suitable menu item found for an URL.
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