• Не создавайте несколько учетных записей, вы будете заблокированы! Для получения дополнительной информации о правилах, ограничениях и многом другом посетите страницу «Помощь».
    Нашли неработающую ссылку? Используйте кнопку «Жалоба»!
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Плагин FacetWP – Advanced Filtering for WordPress + All addons v4.3

Нет прав для скачивания
Позволяет добавлять персонализированный поиск на страницы сайтов электронной коммерции


May 17, 2023
  • FixedAdmin - prevent caching of index table row counts
  • FixedAdmin - plugin install notice listed the wrong add-on name (e.g. "WPML" instead of "Multilingual")
  • FixedLoad more - prevent injecting results into static templates
  • FixedIndexer - issue causing index values for a post to clear on save
  • ImprovedSupport - include memory stats
  • ImprovedSupport - include whether Debug Mode is turned on
  • NewAdded "No results text" field to the listing builder
  • ImprovedWP-CLI integration - use temp table, just like the UI version
  • FixedJSON response - ensure that "action" is a string (3rd party plugins sometimes break this standard)
  • UpdatedBuild tools
  • ImprovedAdmin UI - display facet / template names in the list tables
  • ImprovedSupport value-less shortcode atts, e.g. `[facetwp template="test" static]`
  • FixedPrevent reset facets from resetting other reset facets (reset-ception)
  • FixedSort facet - make default label translatable via `facetwp_i18n` hook
  • FixedCSS issue when using multiple FacetWP (shortcode) listings on a page
  • FixedCSS issue preventing listing builder's default 1-column mobile layout
  • FixedRestore a11y compat for the "old" sort feature
  • FixedCounts shortcode display issue when per_page = -1
  • FixedCast page numbers as `int` for FWP()->facet->pager_args
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