Смотрите видео ниже, чтобы узнать, как установить iTnull.info в качестве веб-приложения.
Примечание: В настоящее время для использования этой функции требуется доступ к сайту с помощью встроенного браузера Safari.
add text custom fields copy translation button add textarea custom fields copy translation button add simple/multiple list original value selected update editor copyToClipboard/setTranslation function update tab system for custom fields on translation page
5.12 (2024/10/08) fix copy/translate bug with JCE editor
5.11 use ajax translation service in asynchronous mode improve editor copy/translate codemiror, jce, tinymce
5.10 display original custom fields value on the translation page (Text,checkbox,radio)
5.8 (2024/04/25) fix Quickjump bug on Joomla 5.1 fix DeepL Norvegian language code
Falang Pro v5.6 add DeepL translation service fix tinyMCE clipboard not supported message on copy translation or service translation for content change hikahosp language switch and hreflang (remove parameters) fix Joomla 5 bug in translation service
5.4 (2024/01/30) fix menu item switch when the child menu is not translated fix locking table in front-end (backupmonkey - tn21) fix custom fields on categories edition fix showtime in article translation (same as original)
Improve Event Booking support
fix display param's on translations page fix import error
4.6 (2022/11/08) install script default is free to be sure to have a default hreflang small change fix bug when 2 advanced dropdown are in the site 3.10.6 (2022/10/21) fix update site for falang and differents licence improve jshopping support switch on same item fix php 8 deprecated order parameters change translateListWithIDs fix php 8 deprecated order parameters change on trigger onBeforeTranslation and onAfterTranslation
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