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Скачать Impreza v8.34 - Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme Nulled Free
v8.34 — March 10, 2025
- ADDED ability to use
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.for the Contact Form element- ADDED ability to create
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться., now color pickers allow you:
- create linear gradients with
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- set position for every color in a gradient
- use dynamic values for colors inside a gradient, for example: you can create a
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.(disregarding their values)- create
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- IMPROVED Post List and Product List elements – added the "Preload Style" option that allows to change the default spinner (while filtering) to "
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться." or "Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться."- IMPROVED List Filter element – added the us_apply_filtering_tax_query_item PHP hook allowing to change query arguments of the filtering by taxonomies in the List Filter
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug where the Carousel "Auto Height" option, when enabled for mobiles, would not work if it was disabled for desktops
- FIXED bug when some Grid/Post List/Product List items become wider (than they should be) after updating to version 8.33
- FIXED bug when Grid/Post List/Product List items with custom sizes (1x2, 2x1, 2x2) didn't fit on small screens
- FIXED bug when custom code from the "Page Settings" window in WPBakery doesn't work for Page Templates
- FIXED bug when the color scheme specified for dark theme could not include Custom Global Colors
- FIXED bug when the Grid with images shows nothing if some image is attached to any page
- FIXED bug when extra lines are added if saving the Text Block in WPBakery builder in Firefox
- FIXED bug when the Search element in header didn't work with the "Field Style" option
- FIXED colors of "TablePress" table when used inside a Row/Section with custom colors
- FIXED bug when the Live Builder didn't work with the FileBird version 6.4.3 and above
- FIXED scaling of images that used inside a Reusable Block that is set as a dropdown menu
- FIXED bug when Grid Filter scrolls a page to the top if its Grid doesn't have results
- FIXED inocorrect Events order by custom field in the Grid and Carousel elements
- FIXED bug when Vertical Wrapper in the header could have the wrong link area
- FIXED bug when the WPBakery "Page Settings" window shows an empty tab
- FIXED bug when Carousel items can't have the same height on mobiles
- FIXED accessibility issue of the "Add to Favorites" button
- FIXED compatibility with 3rd-party JavaScript events
- FIXED PHP conflict with the Tutor LMS plugin
Скачать Impreza v8.33.1 - Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme Nulled Free
v8.33.1 - January 22, 2024#
FIXED bug when pages with any carousel can't be scrolled on mobiles after updating to version 8.33
Скачать Impreza v8.32.2 - Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme Nulled Free
v8.32.2 — December 17, 2024
FIXED bug when Tabs would not transform into an Accordion on smaller screens after upgrading to 8.32
Скачать Impreza v8.32.1 - Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme Nulled Free
v8.32.1 — December 6, 2024
FIXED editing with the WPBakery Page Builder after updating to version 8.32
FIXED work of Google Maps on the frontend
Скачать Impreza v8.31.1 - Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme Nulled Free
v8.31.1 — November 14, 2024
FIXED Spanish translation that causes PHP fatal error after updating to Impreza 8.31
FIXED incorrect position of SVG images in header after updating to Impreza 8.31
Скачать Impreza v8.30 - Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme Nulled Free
v8.30 - October 14, 2024
IMPROVED Carousel element (to match the new Content Carousel element):
added ability to rotate items with different widths (note the Columns option is moved to the Number of Items to Show)
now it's possible change Auto Height and Loop options based on the screen width
now it's possible disable Prev/Next arrows and Dots based on the screen width
added ability to on/off Slide by mouse drag and Slide by touch drag
added ability to pause the auto-rotating carousel on mouse hover
now responsive settings can contain more than 3 breakpoints
added Dots Style selection
IMPROVED Content Carousel element (to match the old Carousel element):
added ability to apply the "Fade" transition effect for 1 column
added the "Transition Timing Function" option
IMPROVED List Filter element:
added Range Slider and Range Input selection types. Example
added Date Picker selection type with four options. Example
added support for "Date Picker" and "Date Time Picker" ACF fields
now the filter changes URL params in a browser address bar, this ability can be disabled in settings
added ability to select which post types to display values from
IMPROVED Post List and Product List elements – added the "Use URL params to show results" option to use URL params from the List Filter. Example
IMPROVED Horizontal Wrapper and Vertical Wrapper elements – added the "Link" option to make the whole wrapper clickable
IMPROVED Add to Favorites Button element – added ability to show the specified message after adding to favorites
IMPROVED ACF support – now all options that allow selecting ACF fields also contain subfields from the "Group" field type
UPDATED Google Fonts list
UPDATED languages files
FIXED bug when the Live Builder does not show background image and Vertical Indents changes until page reload
FIXED bug when user roles could not be selected in Display Logic if the WPBakery plugin was deactivated
FIXED bug when draft posts are displayed in lists after using the List Order and List Search elements
FIXED bug when ACF Post Object and ACF Page Link fields are not working in the Link options
FIXED bug when WPBakery image filters were not applied when selecting an image
FIXED apperance of default WooCommerce Product gallery on mobiles
FIXED work of the Browser Toolbar color picker with dynamic values
FIXED several possible PHP errors
FIXED some minor issues
Скачать Impreza v8.28 - Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme Nulled Free
v8.28 - August 13, 2024
- ADDED new
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.element that allows to slide different content elements- ADDED new
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.element that allows to sort items inside Post List and Product List elements- IMPROVEDImage Sliderelement:
- now the slider with empty dynamic values is not displayed on the frontend
- now it supports switching images from WooCommerce product variations
- now the slider with a single image does not show thumbnails
- now it has the count_* class with the number of its images
- IMPROVEDCarousel element:
- now the "Loop" option is available in all cases (is not hidden based on other option) and it is enabled by default
- now if the "Loop" is disabled, the Carousel shows only one arrow at the start and end positions
- now if the number of elements is less than the number of columns, the Carousel doesn't clone the elements
- IMPROVEDdynamic values:
- added ability to use text dynamic values in more elements (Accordion, Separator, Popup, etc.)
- now allow user custom fields to be displayed inside the User List element
- IMPROVEDDisplay Logic settings – now User Custom Field conditions work correctly with empty custom fields
- IMPROVED generated sitemap XML file – now it excludes 'noindex' pages (set by built-in SEO settings)
- IMPROVEDList Search element – now it works for Post/Product List showing items of the current query
- IMPROVEDProduct List element – added ability to order/sort products by the 'Menu order' value
- IMPROVEDPost List element – now its taxonomies list allows to select product taxonomies
- IMPROVEDColor Scheme Switch element – added ability to work on cached pages correctly
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug when the Page Template from Theme Options would not apply to the CPT if the license was activated for a development website
- FIXED bug when the Breadcrumbs element on the CPT archive page always displays "Pages" instead of CPT name
- FIXED bug when Gravity Form inside Horizontal Wrapper shows its JS script text on the frontend
- FIXED bug when Separator shows its size incorrectly when editing with the Live Builder
- FIXED bug when the Image Colored Shadow would appear as a rectangle in Safari
- FIXED bug when the W3 Total Cache plugin disables editing with the Live Builder
- FIXED incorrect appearance of a Mobile Menu with enabled Scrolling Effects
- FIXED case when the Range Slider of Grid Filter element was not working
- FIXED case of incorrect switching of tabs in WPBakery settings windows
- FIXED editing of Page Templates when the Yoast SEO plugin is active
- FIXED bug when the Interactive Text jumps in Safari
- FIXED some minor issues
Скачать Impreza v8.27 - Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme Nulled Free
v8.27 - July 5, 2024
- ADDED new List Search element that allows to use a live search inside Post List and Product List elements. Example
- IMPROVEDImage Sliderelement:
- it can now be added in any Grid Layout, this allows to create lists with sliding images. Example
- added the Include Featured Image option, it helps to use the Image Slider on product/project pages. Example
- added the ability to set Aspect Ratio
- added the ability to change the size and distance between thumbnails
- now the current slide has the rsActiveSlide class, this allows to easy customization
- now in the Full Screen mode images are always not cropped, regardless of the "Image Fit" option
- added the us_image_slider_js_options PHP hook that allows to customize javascript options
- IMPROVEDRow / Section element when showing an image slider on background:
- added the Include Featured Image option, it helps to customize product/project pages. Example
- added the Random Order option
- now the current slide has the rsActiveSlide class, this allows to easy customization (for example for a Ken Burns effect)
- IMPROVEDGalleryelement:
- added the Include Featured Image option, it helps to use the Gallery on product/project pages. Example
- added the Image Fit option that allows to show images without cropping
- IMPROVEDPost List and Product List elements – added option to Exclude posts of previous lists (analogue of the Grid element)
- IMPROVEDSearch element – added the Icon Position option (available in a content area, not in a header)
- UPDATED performance settings – the "Dynamically load theme JS components" option has been removed as it did not provide any improvement in website page loading
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug when the selected color scheme in the Color Scheme Switch element doesn't show global custom colors
- FIXED appearance of loaded posts in the Post List with the "Masonry" layout and "load more" pagination
- FIXED cases when a single Reusable Block can't be selected in element settings with the Live Builder
- FIXED bug when the Product List with the "load more" pagination loads posts instead of products
- FIXED bug when the Post List doesn't show posts with the same term of the current post
- FIXED cases when the Live Builder doesn't allows to select elements in the preview area
- FIXED accessibility issue when links don't have an aria-label in the Carousel element
- FIXED rare issue when a color picker in Design settings can change its value
- FIXED work of cq* units in the Gallery element with "Mosaic" layout
- FIXED some minor issues
Скачать Impreza v8.26 - Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme Nulled Free
v8.26 — June 20, 2024
- ADDED ability to set the "Gap between Items" for different screen widths, available for Grid, Post List, Product List, Term List, and User List elements
- IMPROVED Post Listelement:
- added ability to show posts from ACF Relationship and Post Object custom fields
- added ability to order posts by views, if the Post Views Counter plugin is active
- added ability to show posts with (or without) any terms of the selected taxonomy
- added ability to show posts of the current query with custom taxonomy conditions
- now the list item corresponding to the current page has the class "current_page_item", this allow to create custom menus via the Post List element
- IMPROVEDSidebar with Widgets(Widgetised Area) element:
- it can now be edited using the Live builder
- now it works even the WPBakery builder is not installed
- IMPROVEDSetup Wizard– now pre-built websites installation:
- correctly overrides the Shop, Cart, Checkout, and My Account pages when installing all content with WooCommerce
- includes sidebars with widgets
- IMPROVEDtext dynamic values – added ability to show the current user data via the {{user|first_name}} shortcode.
- IMPROVEDWPML and Polylang support – added ability to translate the Message and Button Label fields from Theme Options > General > Cookie Notice
- IMPROVEDPopup element – added option to set amount of days for the next show, if the "Show to visitor only once" is enabled
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED issue when the "Auto Optimize" doesn't include needed assets if a Post List used without a Grid element
- FIXED bug when the Video Player with an overlay image would not play the video from a file on iPhones
- FIXED bug when the "Animations Disable Width" option doesn't affect on new scrolling effects
- FIXED bug when the Enter key would not work for the coupon form on the custom checkout page
- FIXED work of the "Show this section open" option with enabled Display Logic in Tabs sections
- FIXED bug when Theme Options > Custom Code fields become wider due to long text strings
- FIXED case when a Page Template used for Archives can't be edited with the Live builder
- FIXED support for WPBakery builder version 7.7+
- FIXED some minor issues
Download Impreza v8.25 - Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme Nulled Free
v8.25 - June 5, 2024
ADDED new Post Listelement, which allows to show:
- multiple post types in a single list
- posts excluding specific taxonomies
- posts based on multiple taxonomies
- posts by custom field values
- posts by specific authors
- posts except selected
- child pages of selected pages
- pages without their child pages
- ADDED ability to deactivate the theme license on the
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.admin page- IMPROVEDsite performance – significantly reduced the number of database queries when showing a site that has a huge amount of taxonomy terms
- IMPROVEDtext dynamic values – added ability to show the current date and time via the {{date|custom_format}} shortcode.
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- IMPROVEDVideo Player element – now video files are not preloaded if the Overlay Image is set
- IMPROVEDGrid Filter element – now its dropdowns can be closed using the ESC key
- IMPROVEDProduct List element – added ability to show recently viewed products
- UPDATED Google Fonts list
- UPDATED languages files
- FIXED bug with the Post Image element appearing blank when the aspect ratio and media preview are set
- FIXED bug when the ACF dynamic background image is not showing with a gradient background color
- FIXED support of "span" HTML tags in the Text element when editing with the WPBakery builder
- FIXED several cases with the incorrect filtering of Grid items with the "load more" pagination
- FIXED incorrect number of selected terms being displayed in the Grid and Term List settings
- FIXED empty popup when selecting dynamic link values in the Video Player element
- FIXED incorrect size of the "+1" indicator of the Gallery element in Safari
- FIXED incorrect preview of the Row Content Position in the Live Builder
- FIXED incorrect position of the product count in the Cart element
- FIXED shop notices style on the Cart and Checkout pages
- FIXED some minor issues
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