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Плагин Solid Security Pro (iThemes Security Pro) NULLED v8.5.0

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Один из лучших плагинов безопасности для WordPress
Security Hardening: Prevent open redirects attacks against the Enforce SSL module. This attack requires spoofing the Host header which requires additional conditions to exploit. Thanks to nlpro for reporting the issue.
New Feature:
Add support for CloudFlare Turnstile and hCaptcha. Learn More:
Enhancement: Add support for logging in with Discoverable Passkeys.
Bug Fix:
Update Password Strength library to the latest version.
This fixes discrepancies between the realtime password strength estimation and the enforced password strength.
Bug Fix:
Upgrade the iThemes Updater to 1.7.2 to fix PHP 8 issues.
Note: Remove Grade Report.
iThemes Security Pro (formerly Better WP Security) 7.2.3
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