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JCE Pro Content Editor

Компонент JCE Pro Content Editor v2.9.79

Нет прав для скачивания
Компонент для создание и редактирование статей Joomla!


24 July 2024


  • PRO The Media Field input Upload button would not be shown for custom JCE Media Fields or converted Joomla Media Fields in some instances.
  • JCE Core Media Fields in subform fields were not initialized correctly.
  • Editor failed to load in PageBuilder CK.
  • Backwards compatability fix for Editor Profile changes
  • URL values would not be converted to Absolute if the URL Conversion parameter was set to Absolute.
  • Script and Style tags did not support data-* attributes
  • Setting the Enable Code Blocks option to No would have no effect.



  • PRO IFrame Embed code can now be inserted using the dropdown on the IFrame button.


  • PRO The <track> element in <audio> and <video> tags could not be added or edited using the HTML field in the Media Manager dialog.
  • Added a workaround to fix an issue with SP PageBuilder 4 retrieving unprocessed content from the editor.
  • An editor stylesheet asset would produce a 404 error attempting to load a missing font file.
  • Uploading a file when the Allow Root Access filesystem option is enabled would produce an Access to the target directory is restricted error with some configurations.
  • When opening an existing image, file, media with the Image Manager etc. the Folder list would not open and scroll to the correct folder item.
  • Direct upload options were not available in a custom repeatable / sub-form JCE Media Field until the article was saved.
  • JCE Media Field items would not display if the file name contained utf-8 characters.
  • Custom Core Media and JCE Media fields would not be processed correctly in the Fields tab in extensions other than com_content.
  • The Remove Alias option in Link -> Search would convert the url to SEF instead of removing the alias from the non-SEF url.
  • Pasting some formatted html would append a non-breaking space to the content.
  • Media Field would show some images types as invalid when selecting or updating the field
  • Some formatting could not be removed from some selections when Container Element & Enter Key is set to Linebreak:None
  • Dragging and dropping text content inside the editor would add unwanted inline styles to the respositioned text.
  • Dragging and dropping text content inside the editor will now keep any formatting applied to the text.
  • Fontawesome icons are now also loaded with the template stylesheets when using a Helix Ultimate based template.
  • Ordered and Unordered lists would not be correctly processed when pasting content from Word.
  • Icons in the Editor Profiles -> Plugin Parameters tabs will now show the correct icons based on the Toolbar Theme selected.
  • PHP 8.2 Deprecated message in the JCE Media Field
  • Conversion of custom Media Fields to JCE Media Fields.


  • PRO IFrames would be removed if Allow IFrames is Yes if the Media Manager was added to the editor toolbar.
  • An available user.css file will now also be loaded to style the editor for core templates, eg: cassiopeia
  • The alt attribute in a Pagebreak <hr> tag would be removed if using the Joomla Pagebreak button to insert it.
JCE Editor 2.9.25


  • PRO Template Manager lists are now loaded when the Template Managet list menu is first opened.


  • When applying a style from the Styles list to an inline element (link, strong etc.) that is at the beginning of a paragraph, the style would be applied to the parent element, eg: paragraph
  • Pressing Enter at the end of a link at the end of a line would create a new paragraph without a cursor.
  • Attempting a new install of JCE Pro in Joomla 4.1 would result in an error and failed install.
  • Editor tabs would not display in the front-end if the template is not using Bootstrap.
  • PRO A "Loading..." message will now be shown in the list dropdown while Template Manager list items are loaded.
  • PRO Pressing backspace or delete in an empty column (that contains a single paragraph) would delete the column.
  • PRO The Template Manager was not processing File Directory Path values that contained variables correctly, resulting in an error when attempting to load the editor.
  • PRO Removing all paragraphs in a column using Backspace or Delete and then pressing Enter would clone the column div.


  • PRO Editing an existing Caption would not show any padding values added to the caption container.
  • PRO Thumbnail images in the same folder as the associated image were not being detected.
  • If the File Browser is not enabled for any profile, the JCE Media Field and any converted Media Fields will fallback to use the Joomla Media Manager.
  • Updated PHP compatability message on install, warning of PHP 7.4 requirement for future updates.
  • Custom Formats with an invalid Styles value would cause the Style to be pre-selected and applied incorrectly.
  • Pasting content containing inline styles in the style attribute of a tag would remove the style attribute.
  • Some Custom Formats could not be applied from the Styles list on a text selection when the Container Element & Enter Key option was set to Linebreak:None
  • An extra space was being added after an anchor element on each save or toggle when the anchor was in the same parent container as a rollover image
  • Updated the Custom Styles widget in the Style Select parameters to fix some layout issues.
  • A syntax error in a PHP function would cause an error in PHP 7.2


  • Youtube and Vimeo video will no longer autoplay in the media preview.
  • Move all admin media assets (js, css etc.) out of the administrator/components/com_jce folder into media/com_jce
  • shortcode, eg: {source}content{/source} is now processed seperately from other shortcode to improve support.


  • Fixed encoding of content in Code Blocks
  • Linebreaks were converted to newlines in <script> Code Blocks.
  • Applying or removing multiple styles from the Styles list to a selection of multiple elements (eg: paragraphs) now should work as expected.
  • Content links without any content text would not show up as search results of the Link Search tool.
  • Media Preview items could not be selected if Container Element was set to No Container.
  • Update Vimeo url processing to support has values for private videos.
  • Rollover images were not working despite the relevant options being enabled.
  • Remove use of "layout" variable name in GET requests due to conflict with Helix Ultimate template framework.
  • When creating a new profile or copying an existing one, the default toolbar theme would be set to "classic"
  • Some converted media fields (in subform fields for example) would not use the correct profile when it was assigned to a component.
  • When using a JCE Language Pack, eg: de-DE with a Joomla Language variant, eg: de-AT, JCE labels were not being translated correctly.
  • Pasting text into a paragraph would produce a new paragraph.
  • Fixed invalid conversion of some media fields if conversion is disabled.
  • PRO Drag & Drop upload of a video or pdf file would not remove the spinner after completing the upload.
  • PRO Fixed inline upload of supported files by the Template Manager
  • JOOMLA4 Update checked_out and checked_out_time table fields for all prior versions for Joomla 4 compat.
  • JOOMLA4 Fixed repeatable media input field update.
  • JOOMLA4 Fixed alignment of checkboxes in the Profiles list.
  • JOOMLA4 Creating a new profile using the New button and then saving would produce an error or default value warning.


  • PRO Images can now be scaled up when resizing on upload.
  • Removed the warning message when saving an article if the Autobackup plugin is in use.
  • JCE Media Fields and converted Joomla Media Fields can now be used if JCE is not assigned as the default editor.
  • When a link is applied to a selection that includes a linebreak, the linebreak will now be included in the link, rather than resulting in the content being split into multiple links.
Installation package for Joomla! 3.x and 4.x
Installation package for Joomla! 3.x and 4.x
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