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JetSmartFilters Plugin for Elementor

Плагин JetSmartFilters Plugin for Elementor v3.6.1 NULLED

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Добавляет простые в использовании AJAX-фильтры на страницы, созданные с помощью Elementor
Скачать JetSmartFilters v3.6.1 NULLED
Скачать JetSmartFilters v3.6.0.1 for Elementor WordPress Plugin Nulled Free

- FIX: prevent system notices appearing
Скачать JetSmartFilters v3.5.7.1 for Elementor WordPress Plugin Nulled Free

- FIX: hot fix: hierarchical, alphabet, geomap filters
Скачать JetSmartFilters v3.5.7 for Elementor WordPress Plugin Nulled Free

- ADD: apply button active state conditions
- FIX: work of two searches with different types together
- FIX: Sorting filter WPML
- FIX: filters are broken on front with "Dynamic Visibility"
- FIX: indexer with taxonomy source and _tax_query key
- FIX: posts disappearing when translating with Polylang
- FIX: included element section
## 3.5.6

- ADD: checkboxes list filter relational operator option between items
- ADD: page reload apply type on value change
- ADD: search filter input focus styles
- UPD: initialize filter styles before rendering the filters themselves
- FIX: indexer counter style "Position" option with elementor Optimized Control Loading
- FIX: do not display a filter if it was selected in the widget and then deleted or moved to trash
- FIX: Refactored provider "Bricks query loop" for better clarity
Скачать JetSmartFilters v3.5.4 for Elementor WordPress Plugin Nulled Free

- ADD: filter hook 'jet-smart-filters/filters/predefined-value'
- FIX: CCT display bulk options
- FIX: elementor products filtering issue with Loop Carousel having terms query
- FIX: don't hide parent element if nested elements are not empty
- FIX: date range filter translation
- FIX: Indexer when filter option starts with +/*
- FIX: save "N Selected NUMBER OF NAMED ITEMS" option in Gutenberg
- FIX: Group terms by parents & Сollapsible styles
- FIX: Added method merge_query_vars
- FIX: remove font-awesome
Скачать JetSmartFilters v3.5.1 for Elementor WordPress Plugin Nulled Free

- ADD: do_shortcode to ePro loop grid provider No Result Text option
- UPD: open collapsible checked items on initialization
- UPD: open the checkbox filter dropdown on top when the page at it's bottom
- FIX: range filter for safari
- FIX: html decode for search filter on reload
- FIX: Indexer + Custom query
- FIX: added support for native text control in Bricks loop when no results are found.
* UPD: redesigned initialization of filters on the frontend
* ADD: pagination load more
* ADD: fieldset legends & aria-labels
* ADD: don't send ajax request if page hasn't provider
* ADD: filter 'jet-smart-filters/service/filter/serialized-keys'
* ADD: reinitFilters global method
* FIX: sitepath for url aliases
* FIX: URL aliases settings RTL
* FIX: fatal when Bricks query loop ("Is filterable" checked) in listing grid item
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## 3.1.0
* ADD: Allow to replace selected parts of the filtered URLs with any alias words you want;
* ADD: Bricks Query Loop provider;
* ADD: PHP 8.2 compatibility;
* UPD: Improve security checks for edit filters settings requests;
* UPD: Visual filter dropdown select for taxonomies and posts data source;
* FIX: Exclude/include data source posts list;
* FIX: Admin filters list pagination;
* FIX: Keep third party URL params on filters clear;
* FIX: JetEngine Calendar and filters compatibility;
* FIX: Fatal error for when accessing admin area for non-admins users.

## 3.0.4
* ADD: Bricks builder compatibility;
* UPD: Filters builder icons;
* UPD: jet dashboard to 2.0.4;
* FIX: Ensure correct provider set from request;
* FIX: compatibility with JetWooBuilder 2.1.2;
* FIX: Visibility of classic admin editor fields in some cases.

## 3.0.3
* ADD: Filter Date Period dates limit
* ADD: indexer counter prefix/suffix & position style
* FIX: refactoring Active filter & Active tag filters
* FIX: elementor pro v3.9.0 popup
* FIX: ignore disabled filters on set data
* FIX: additional providers
* UPD: renamed url prefix from 'jet-smart-filters' to 'jsf'

## 3.0.2
* ADD: admin ability to open a filter from the list in a new tab
* ADD: pagination filter autoscroll option
* FIX: apply all hierarchical selects on redirect
* FIX: checkbox, radio & visual filter RTL
* FIX: active filters, active tag filters duplicate results after mixed url opening
* FIX: ePro Archive Posts taxonomy with multiple post types
* FIX: elementor responsive with url parameters
* FIX: additional settings placeholders translation
* FIX: adding tabindex attr
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