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JRealtime Analytics – аналитика для сайтов Joomla

Компонент JRealtime Analytics – аналитика для сайтов Joomla v3.10

Нет прав для скачивания
Компонент аналитической статистики, которое интегрируется с каждым расширением Joomla!
  • New option to differentiate URLs by query string
  • Updates to integrations and bugs fix
  • Compatibility update for PHP 8.4
  • Мне нравится
Симпатии: cogelod735
JRealtime Analytics 3.9.5 - 10/02/2024
  • Updates to Google PageSpeed Insights integration API for new metrics and INP
  • Updates to integrations and PHP code
  • Compatibility update for Joomla 5.2 and later
JRealtime Analytics 3.9 - 01/10/2023
  • Mandatory updates for compatiblity with Joomla 5 and Joomla 4.4
  • Improvements and bugs fix
JRealtime Analytics 3.8 - 06/07/2023
  • New feature to render interactive charts in the Google Search Console stats
  • New feature to filter out empty user agents.
  • New feature to track min visited page events to a limited scope
  • New feature to detect Windows 11 through Client Hints.
  • New feature to reset events stats.
Информация отсутствует
  • New OAuth 2 authentication method used for Google APIs: Google Search Console and Google Analytics. Google now provides an enhanced authentication method with stronger security with the generation of the OAuth 2 authorization code provided by our website at the address
    Note that after the update it's required to login again using the new authorization method.
  • Updates for Google Analytics 4 API, now it has become the preferred API for the integration and Google Universal Analytics will be sunset on July, 2023.
  • Updates for the next version of Joomla 4.2 scheduled on August, 2023.
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