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Changes in this release ? Added new moderation settings to determine the number of comments that needs to be moderated until it reaches the threshold ? Fixed issue with Komento not appearing at the end of Yootheme Zoo posts Fixed issue with missing e-mail logo in the settings Addressed conflicts with FontAwesome with certain Joomla templates Toolbar package will be removed from Komento free version Ratings will now show correctly on Joomla 4 despite having users rated the post Submission of empty bbcode contents will no longer be allowed CSS Files are now moved into the media folder Likes and dislikes will now display proper user listings when profile pictures are disabled Removed unused tables from Komento Submenus on the back-end has been updated with the latest menus Addressed issues with users not being able to login using the login form on Joomla 4 Mentions result listing will no longer be dependent on Joomla's global list limit Location service provider will now be respected Editing comments on the back-end works correctly now
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