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Примечание: Эта функция может быть недоступна в некоторых браузерах.
Скачать/Download Laravel Nova v4.27.13 - Administration Panel For Laravel Nulled Free Released Sep 19, 2023 Nova now pauses resource polling when selecting all resources or when resources are selected. Added meta tag to Nova's layout to prevent search engines from indexing the page. Improved visual style of some components. Fixed an issue resolving Nova's initial path in certain scenarios. Fixed an issue with the Code field when display null values on the detail page. Fixed an issue deleting rows in `Repeater fields. Fixed an issue where Repeater fields using uniqueField could cause errors. Fixed an issue where clicking the backdrop of a modal didn't emit the correct events. Fixed an issue preventing running actions and deleting many-to-many relationships when using pivot fields. Fixed an issue preventing required fields from showing their asterisk on Lens action modals. Fixed an issue with Repeater fields when using multiple repeatable types. Fixed an issue with Repeater fields when submitting from a parent resource form. Fixed an issue where the query params when selecting all resources didn't include the current search term. Fixed an issue with inconsistent Ctrl/Command keypresses in Global search. Fixed an issue where filterable MorphTo fields didn't remember the selected option from the filter query hash. Fixed an issue with exporting CSVs with Laravel Octane. Nova now allows use validation rules following Laravel 10's ValidationRule contract without using enclosing the rule in an array.
v4.26.3 (Silver Surfer) Released Jun 30, 2023 Renamed an internal method.
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