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Иконка ресурса
Mailbox plugin for RISE CRM

Note: This is not a standalone application. This is a plugin for RISE CRM. You have to install the RISE – Ultimate Project Manager & CRM to use this plugin.
This plugin integrates unlimited Webmail clients inside RISE CRM. By enabling, you will be able to integrate multiple mailboxes with IMAP credentials. Where you can collaborate with your clients, leads or any other email recipients organized by permitted team members for each mailbox. Those email accounts will be used to grab emails only. For sending email, it’ll use the credentials from Settings > App settings > Email. It requires RISE v3.1 or higher.



– PHP 7.4 or higher.
– Enabled Imap extension in server.
– IMAP account which can accept connections over SSL/TLS from a third party app. If you’re using 2-factor authentication, you need to disable it otherwise connections wont be accepted by your server.
– Make sure that the Cron of RISE is activated in your server. You can setup cron from Settings > App Settings > Cron Job.
– You wont be able to use IMAP functionalities under a POP account. Make sure that your account is an IMAP-based one.
– This plugin has made in order to be able to view/respond to all incoming emails, within RISE CRM. Sent emails from this plugin will be stored into your Sent folder of your email, but actions like Star/Trash/Important will affect your local emails (RISE CRM) only and they will be stored in the database, along with their attachments. This plugin has no control over your IMAP server and it is not a two-way sync plugin. It will fetch your unread Inbox emails only.


Plugin .


The Demo gets reset every 6 hours.

Admin Login:
Email: admin@demo.com
Password: riseDemo

Client Login:
Email: client@demo.com
Password: riseDemo

Please note that, which emails you send from demo is actually won’t be sent (as per GDPR law).
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