• Не создавайте несколько учетных записей, вы будете заблокированы! Для получения дополнительной информации о правилах, ограничениях и многом другом посетите страницу «Помощь».
    Нашли неработающую ссылку? Используйте кнопку «Жалоба»!
Mailster – плагин электронной рассылки для WordPress

Плагин Mailster – плагин электронной рассылки для WordPress v4.1.6

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Плагин электронной рассылки для WordPress
Скачать Mailster v4.1.6 - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress Nulled Free
v4.1.6 (2024-11-27)

- fixed: campaigns cache were not cleared on status change
- fixed: condition using "have" and "doesn't have" tags returned wrong results
- fixed: force boolean on some expressions
- added: '__nextHasNoMarginBottom' to components to prevent deprecated messages in WP 6.7
- removed: option to upgrade license from notification
- updated: dependencies for composer and npm
- Less use of constant MAILSTER_BUILT
Скачать Mailster v4.1.4 - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress Nulled Free
v4.1.4 (2024-09-25)

- fixed: profile showed unsubscribe button
- fixed: workflow can be triggered multiple times in some instances
- improved: checks if Mailster methods are called before Mailster is initialized
- improved: Support for WooCommerce Add-on
Скачать Mailster v4.1.2 - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress Nulled Free
v4.1.2 (2024-08-09)

- fixed: PHP warning in automations class
- fixed: missing ID when block forms are used on the frontend
- fixed: missing campaign on email workflow
- fixed: some strings weren't translate-able improved: translations
- improved: form patterns are now translate-able
- added: link to Translator Program on dashboard
Скачать Mailster v4.0.11 - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress Nulled Free
v4.0.11 (2024-07-17)

- fixed: PHP error "attempt to assign a property to an array"
- fixed: styling issues on Automations with WP 6.6
- fixed: missing Canvas tools on WP 6.6
- fixed: workflow steps with delay didn't calculated the timezone correctly.
Скачать Mailster v4.0.10 - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress Nulled Free
v4.0.10 (2024-06-24)

fixed: escaping on web version
fixed: subject placeholder tag in title was not replaced on the webversion
improved: css improvements
update plugin api info
### Version 4.0.9 (2024-05-14)

- fixed: line height on form selector input field
- fixed: PHP Warning: preg_replace(): Compilation failed with certain shortcodes.
- fixed: PHP deprecated notice
- fixed: admin header was visible on the newsletter homepage
- fixed: deeplink of steps works again
- fixed: dynamic properties are deprecated
- fixed: fatal error on tags triggers if no tag has been set
- fixed: logos were not applied to some templates
- fixed: translation wasn't loaded before the setup wizard
- improved: bounce performances
Скачать Mailster v4.0.8 - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress Nulled Free
v4.0.8 (2024-03-26)

security: fixed possible Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerability reported by Patchstack
security: fixed possible Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability reported by Patchstack
fixed: linked images in templates weren't mapped correctly.
fixed: missing array index in options.php
fixed: using "given-name" for autocomplete value instead of "name" on the first name field for block forms
improved: legacy forms inclusion
improved: activation experience for Envato users
improved: bounce handler to not timeout during processing of large quantities of bounce messages
removed: beta notice
removed: health check notice.
reverted: forcing unsubscribe link on the bottom of the mail if not present in the email.
fully tested with WordPress 6.5
Скачать Mailster v4.0.7 - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress Nulled Free
v4.0.7 - (2024-03-11)

- fixed: action links on campaign overview page.
- fixed: linked images in templates weren't mapped correctly.
- fixed: missing array index in options.php
- improved: legacy forms inclusion
- improved: bounce handler to not timeout during processing of large quantities of bounce messages
- removed: deprecated cron trigger
Скачать Mailster v4.0.6 - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress Nulled Free
v4.0.6 (2024.03-05)

- fixed: Custom fields are not working with underline
- fixed: check for array on bulk actions on campaigns
- fixed: embeded elements were broken caused by block forms
- fixed: wrong link in the block form overview
- improved: added option to define 'fields' in search query on the subscribers overview to search only within certain fields
- improved: deleted subscribers no longer count to totals on overview page
- improved: loading of lists page with large subscriber base.
Скачать Mailster v4.0.5 - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress Nulled Free
v4.0.5 (2024-02-23)

- fixed: SQL error on form preview page
- improved: loading time on subscribers overview
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