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Nextend Smart Slider 3 WordPress Pro + Demo Sliders NULLED

Плагин Nextend Smart Slider 3 WordPress Pro + Demo Sliders NULLED v3.5.1.23

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Создавайте что угодно, от простых изображений до сложных полностраничных слайд-шоу, видео и т.д.​


  • Fix: At WordPress Posts generator if you have a meta data or ACF data with a name already used as a variable, it can get overwritten.
  • Fix: Security improvements for image uploads.
  • Fix: Only allow files with WordPress allowed mime types to be uploaded.
  • Fix: Joomla's Legal MIME Types setting will be used to check, if a file can be uploaded or not.
  • Fix: The Resize and Convert to webp features could have issues with images from certain external servers.​

This version was only released for WordPress, because it doesn't contains Joomla related modifications.


  • Fix: Previous widget rendering fix undone. Our widget will render, even when the , because you can use widgets in themes that way too.​


August 14th, 2023
* Fix: In WordPress 6.3, in some block themes the page editor, site editor or widget manager won't load next to Smart Slider.​

2023. 08. 08.​

  • Fix: WP Grid Builder conflict, which made WP Grid Builder's checkbox filtering not work.
  • Fix: Gutenberg compatibility for WordPress 6.3
  • Fix: Extra mouse buttons (like "back" button) won't open links in sliders any longer.
  • Fix: PHP8 compatibility.
  • Fix: Sliders did not show up on websites using Perfmatters plugin.
  • Fix: Wrong slider titles were written out within SiteOrigin Page Builder.
  • Fix: Sliders sometimes did not load on websites using WP Meteor plugin.
  • Feature: 's language fields became dropdowns instead of text inputs.
  • Feature: The "Image Width" setting of and are now available in the Free version too.
  • Feature: Playsinline attribute added to all videos, to avoid them being opened fullscreen by default on iOS devices.
  • Removed: Twitter generator got deprecated, because its API creation price became .
  • Removed: Facebook generator was , but just with a notice. Now its codes were finally removed.​

This version doesn't contains Joomla Free related codes, so it was only released for Joomla Pro, and WordPress Pro + Free.

2023. 06. 09.​

  • Feature: Google font list got updated.
  • Feature: Norwegian language update.
  • Fix: Jetpack conflict could cause 500 Internal Server Error, or PHP error message appear.
  • Fix: When multiple background videos are used in one slider and vertical main animation is used, scrolling away stops the not-active videos.
  • Removed: JetPack Photon image optimizer option got deprecated, because it creates too many possible issues.​

This version was only released for WordPress, because it doesn't have Joomla related changes.

2023. 05. 18.​

  • Fix: instead of sliders in WordPress 6.2.1.
  • Fix: Beaver Builder row duplication issue, when Smart Slider is in the row.
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