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Oxygen Builder (+ADDONS) – визуальный редактор страниц WordPress

Плагин Oxygen Builder (+ADDONS) – визуальный редактор страниц WordPress v4.9.1 NULLED

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Визуальный конструктор страниц на WordPress
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Oxygen 4.9.1 Changelog

New: Copy & paste conditions.
Fix: Corrected issue with template assignment accordions in WordPress 6.7
Fix: Advanced Queries broken if a post type isn't set.
Fix: OR Meta Query no longer working.
Fix: Background Position control no longer works in the builder preview.
Fix: If an element contains custom CSS and is converted to a Reusable Part, the code becomes base64 encoded.
Fix: Eye icon in Structure Panel for hiding elements is broken.
Fix: Box shadow is no longer visible in the builder.
Fix: Oxygen edit button is missing in the Block Editor for users with edit-only access.
Fix: "This design contains elements registered by another plugin that is no longer active." - improvements.
Fix: Superbox default image no longer loads.
Fix: Oxygen's CSS caused issues with metaboxes in Block Editor admin area.
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