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PayPal Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments - Meethanshi

Модуль PayPal Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments - Meethanshi v1.0.1

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PayPal Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments - Meethanshi
Features of Magento 2 PayPal Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments Extension
  • Easily integrates PayPal Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments with Magento 2 through the direct method.
  • The admin can enable the extension from the backend and enter a custom title for the payment method.
  • Display the PayPal logo on the payment methods page and increase customers' trust.
  • Choose the default payment action for the orders paid through Magento 2 PayPal ACDC Payments from:
    • Authorize
    • Authorize and Capture
  • Comes with sandbox mode for testing purposes.
  • Easy integration of Magento 2 with PayPal using a Client ID and Secret Key received from the merchant account.
  • Set the default new order status for the order placed using PayPal Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments.
  • Supports debug mode for the developers.
  • Display custom instructions along with the payment method on the order checkout page.
  • Set the minimum and maximum order total to allow using the Magento 2 PayPal Advanced Credit and Debit Card method.
  • Option to activate the payment method for customers from selected countries only.
  • Once the Magento 2 PayPal ACDC extension is configured from the backend, the customers can find the payment method on the front end and complete their payment by entering the card details.
  • The customers can find complete details about the payments in their 'My Orders' section, including the last four digits of the card, transaction ID, and amount.
  • It also supports generating online refunds for the payments made through the PayPal Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments method.

  • 3_paypal-advanced-credit-and-debit-card-payments-order-details-in-customers-my-account.webp
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  • 2_paypal-advanced-credit-and-debit-card-payments-on-checkout-page.webp
    38 KB · Просмотры: 4
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