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44 — 28 July 2024 Improved confirmation pages for custom domain short links (no longer shows any branding) Fixed shortening links as Guest not working while a captcha service is enabled Fixed web resources not loading when redirecting a custom domain short link without HTTPS enabled Fixed short links with X retargeting pixel not working Fixed the PHP version requirement always showing as OK during the installation process Other minor improvements
5.1.0 — 7 January 2024 Added new Authentication system: Google Account Added new Authentication system: Microsoft Account Added new Authentication system: Apple Account Added new Captcha driver: hCaptcha Added new Captcha driver: Turnstile Added new social profile footer links: LinkedIn, Github, Discord, Reddit, Threads, TikTok, Tumblr, Pinterest Added the ability for the Admin to Login as User Improved the codebase (code refactoring) Improved user's privacy when navigating on external links Improved SEO (sequential headings, anchor descriptions, image descriptions) Improved accessibility (footer elements now have descriptive text for screen readers) Updated all the dependencies to their latest versions Fixed the usage number on Account Plan page not being formatted Fixed Guest links not having a (default) Domain Fixed current date time references potentially not being the same across a page load Fixed month February missing in certain date range stats selections Other minor improvements Ключ лицензии: Для просмотра скрытого содержимого Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
Added the ability to remove the primary domain from the available domains Added the ability to filter Links that are not under a specific Space Improved the Links filter when filtering by Domains Improved the Developers documentation Other minor improvements
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