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Модуль Products Catalog (CSV, Excel, Xml) Export v4.1.1

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Products Catalog (CSV, Excel, Xml) Export
Версия PrestaShop
  1. 1.6
  2. 1.7
Products Catalog (CSV, Excel, Xml) Export v4.1.1 (LASTEST 2021)
A functional, quick and convenient method of products export is a perfect choice for a modern state of the on-line store. The simple usage of the Products Catalog (CSV, Excel, Xml) Export module allows you to easily export products and product groups. It presents a great variety of categories to represent your products using only several steps to finish the export in CSV, Excel(xls), Xml formats.

Product Features
export products with the following fields such as , unity, height, depth, weight etc.
export product image cover in excel format
choose the language of export
edit field names for export
filter products by categories
filter products by manufacturers
filter products by suppliers
search by exported fields
filter by product price
filter by quantity
filter by condition and visibility
filter by active/inactive products
save exported file with specific name
automatic export using cron jobs
ajax export that allow to export a big product catalog
products export progress bar
multistore support
select Number of decimal points for prices and sizes
select sorting for products export
prices decoration
strip tags for product description
product combinations export (each attribute in a separate column)
product images export (each image in a separate column)
opportunity to select separator for decimal points

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