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Radical Tags

Плагин Radical Tags v1.10.1

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Радикальные теги-это современная система управления тегами и префиксами для IPS 4.6
Invision Power’s most comprehensive Tag Management system

Radical Tags is a modern tag and prefix management system for IPS 4.6, carrying over the features you know and love from the original Advanced Tags and Prefixes application by Ryan with many new additions and usability improvements.


Radical Tags supports many features out of the box, with many more useful features coming in future releases.

Tag and Prefix customization

Customizable tags and prefixes, supporting both an easy-to-use interactive editor and an advanced HTML based editor.

Supports not only prefixes, but regular tags as well! Make your tag lists stand our with color-coded tags.

Forum / Category settings

Radical Tags allows you to configure settings for tags and prefixes on a per-category basis. These settings include..

Requiring a prefix

Customizing the tag mode (open, closed, or prefix only)

Setting a custom language string for the Prefix input (for example, “Platform” on gaming themed forums)

Customizing lists of allowed or suggested tags

Customizing which prefixes are allowed to be used

Setting a default prefix

Setting the minimum number of tags that must be used

Setting the maximum number of tags that can be used


Provide “aliases” that replace commonly used tag synonyms with a single standardized tag of your choosing. For example, on a photography forum, you may have common tags such as “nature photography” that you’d prefer just be saved as “nature” or vice versa. With this feature, you can add an alias that will automatically convert these tags on submission.

Tag management

View a list of your communities most used tags, filterable by any item type (Topics, Gallery Images, Blogs, even other third-party applications!)

Replace tags in just a few clicks

Easily search for and delete unwanted tags


Elegant and customizable tag cloud widgets

..and more!

Easily port over your Advanced Tags and Prefixes configuration from the Tools page

Provide a new, sleek, modern look for your communities tags
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