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Real Media Library: Media Library Folder & File Manager for Media Management in WordPress

Плагин Real Media Library: Media Library Folder & File Manager for Media Management in WordPress v4.22.28

Нет прав для скачивания
Один из самых востребованных медиа-плагинов WordPress
Скачать WordPress Real Media Library v4.22.11 - Media Categories / Folders File Manager NULLED
v4.22.11 (2024-03-22)

### Bug Fixes
* compatibility with BeTheme / BeBuilder (CU-861m7mmu0)
* compatibility with WordPress 6.5 (CU-869434yv9)

<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/real-product-manager-wp-client 1.19.15</summary>

**_Purpose of dependency:_** _A WordPress client for Real Product Manager_
##### Bug Fixes

* avoid race conditions when contacting our backend servers to avoid triggering rate limit notice (CU-86939q6ce)</details>

<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/utils 1.18.3</summary>

**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins._
##### Bug Fixes

* avoid race conditions when contacting our backend servers to avoid triggering rate limit notice (CU-86939q6ce)</details>
Скачать WordPress Real Media Library v4.22.10 - Media Categories / Folders File Manager Nulled Free
v4.22.10 (2024-03-13)
### Bug Fixes

* escape folder gallery shortcode attributes before output
Скачать WordPress Real Media Library v4.22.8 - Media Categories / Folders File Manager Nulled Free
v4.22.8 (2024-02-26)

### Bug Fixes
* multiple folder deletion lead to too early reload in list view (CU-8693tyuxm)

<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/real-product-manager-wp-client 1.19.13</summary>

**_Purpose of dependency:_** _A WordPress client for Real Product Manager_
##### Bug Fixes

* client property value is empty error message when using serialized siteurl option (CU-8693uhwd7)

##### Refactoring
* move all util functions to @devowl-wp/react-utils (CU-8693cqz75)</details>

<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/utils 1.18.1</summary>

**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins._
##### Continuous Integration

* readme-to-json parser did no longer work due to missing taxonomy_exists function (CU-8693wju7t)

##### Performance
* allow to parse big objects localized via wp_localize_script lazily (CU-8693n1cc5)
* do no longer use webpackMode eager in favor of inline-require (CU-8693n1cc5)
* use code splitting for the cookie banner and content blocker to reduce initial download time (CU-8693ubj9a)

##### Refactoring
* move all util functions to @devowl-wp/react-utils (CU-8693cqz75)</details>

<details><summary>Development dependency update @devowl-wp/continuous-integration 0.6.2</summary>

**_Purpose of dependency:_** _DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci._
##### Performance
* improve performance by not removing cookie banner from DOM after accepting for better INP in Google PageSpeed (CU-8693n1cc5)

##### Refactoring
* move all consent relevant structures and procedures to @devowl-wp/cookie-consent-management (CU-8693n1cc5)</details>

<details><summary>Development dependency update @devowl-wp/eslint-config 0.2.7</summary>

**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Provide eslint configuration for our complete monorepo._
##### Performance

* improve Total Blocking Time in Page Speed Insights by yielding the main thread for TCF cookie banner (CU-8693n1cc5)</details>

<details><summary>Development dependency update @devowl-wp/react-utils 0.1.2</summary>

**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Provide various React utils, side effect free and tree shakeable._
##### Bug Fixes

* cookie banner cannot be accepted on old Safari browsers (CU-8693u1wzm)

##### Performance
* do no longer use webpackMode eager in favor of inline-require (CU-8693n1cc5)
* improve performance by not removing cookie banner from DOM after accepting for better INP in Google PageSpeed (CU-8693n1cc5)
* improve performance of applying consent and unblocking consent for better INP in Google PageSpeed (CU-8693n1cc5)
* improve Total Blocking Time in Page Speed Insights by yielding the main thread for TCF cookie banner (CU-8693n1cc5)
* lazy load data for the second layer / view of the cookie banner (CU-8693n1cc5)
* render shortcodes async and add lazy-require() webpack plugin (CU-8693cqz75)

##### Refactoring
* move all util functions to @devowl-wp/react-utils (CU-8693cqz75)</details>

<details><summary>Development dependency update @devowl-wp/webpack-config 0.2.28</summary>

**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Webpack config builder for multiple ecosystems like standalone React frontends, Antd, Preact and WordPress._
##### Performance

* improve Total Blocking Time in Page Speed Insights by inlining require statements (CU-8693n1cc5)</details>
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