Скачать WordPress Real Media Library v4.22.12 - Media Categories / Folders File Manager Nulled Free
v4.22.12 (2024-04-09)
### Bug Fixes
* escape output for Gutenberg gallery
<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/real-product-manager-wp-client 1.19.16</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _A WordPress client for Real Product Manager_
##### Bug Fixes
* deactivate license domain detection when running WordPress through WP CLI (CU-869482eaf)
##### Build Process
* remove minimal translations el fi and fix localization system (CU-861myr2cq)</details>
<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/real-utils 1.13.0</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Create cross-selling ads, about page, rating and newsletter input for WP Real plugins._
##### Build Process
* remove minimal translations el fi and fix localization system (CU-861myr2cq)
##### Features
* translations into Hungarian, Romanian, Greek, Finnish and Slovak (CU-863gr8e97)</details>
<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/utils 1.19.0</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins._
##### Bug Fixes
* compatibility with Perfmatters DelayJS functionality and Code on page load scripts (CU-869465a82)
* implement a mechanism detecting a defect Consent REST API and recommend knowledgebase articles (CU-8693zknc0)
* use vigenere cipher for obfuscating the REST API URL (CU-8693zknc0)
##### Build Process
* remove minimal translations el fi and fix localization system (CU-861myr2cq)
##### Features
* translations into Hungarian, Romanian, Greek, Finnish and Slovak (CU-863gr8e97)</details>
<details><summary>Development dependency update @devowl-wp/phpunit-config 0.1.13</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Predefined functionalities for PHPUnit._
##### Bug Fixes
* scanner finds Google Maps for MyListing theme when Mapbox instead of Google Maps is used (CU-86947zz6j)</details>