RSForm!Pro - создание произвольных форм Joomla

Компонент RSForm!Pro - создание произвольных форм Joomla v3.3.10

Конструктор форм для Joomla
10 Oct 2023

Version 3.2.1​

  • Updated - Birthday Field will now display the current year when 'End Year' is set to 0 or empty.
  • Updated - RSForm! Pro will no longer install on Joomla! 5 without the Behaviour - Backward Compatibility plugin being enabled first.
  • Fixed - Backend menus with no permissions were still showing up on Joomla! 4 with PHP 8+
  • Fixed - Some translations from 'Permissions' were no longer used.
  • Fixed - SEF Router will now create form paths as '1-form-name' instead of '1:form-name'.
  • Fixed - Some misconfigured hosts do not send emails if 'From Email' is set - if 'From Email' is left blank, emails now attempt to be sent.
25 Sep 2023

Version 3.2.0​

  • Added - Adding form fields is now done from an 'Offcanvas' element.
  • Added - Form fields can be created in a specified row and column of the form.
  • Added - When using 'Enable Confirmation By Email' the IP and date of confirmation are now stored.
  • Added - {global:confirmedip} and {global:confirmeddate} placeholders.
  • Added - Can set a different Itemid when clicking on 'Preview' form.
  • Added - 'HashCash Honeypot' spam prevention field as a GDPR alternative to Captcha.
  • Updated - Fields now have <label>, 'form-control' and 'form-select' classes when editing a submission in the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item.
  • Updated - UIkit 3 updated to 3.16.26
  • Updated - Using native UIkit 3 classes for grid sizing where these are available.
  • Updated - Custom UIkit 3 grid classes are now loaded from a separate file.
  • Updated - Nonce added to scripts and stylesheets when using the 'System - HTTP Headers' plugin and the 'System - RSForm! Pro' plugin.
  • Updated - Can use the {nonce} placeholder in the CSS and JS sections.
  • Fixed - 'Confirmed' field will no longer show up in the Directory configuration unless the form has 'Enable Confirmation By Email' set to 'Yes'.
  • Fixed - 'Date and Time Picker' now allows dates up from 1920.
  • Fixed - No longer allowing buttons to be rendered as <input> tags.
  • Fixed - Confirming a submission from the backend did not trigger the confirmation flow (email sending, plugins triggering).
  • Fixed - A PHP error could occur when specifying a wrong 'Date Submitted' value in the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item.
  • Fixed - Having 'Enable Email Logging' set to 'Yes' and a wrong 'Path to Log Folder' could prevent emails from being sent.

Version 3.1.11​

  • Added - {fileupload:count} placeholder that returns the number of uploaded files.
  • Fixed - In some installations the 'Name' and 'Default Value' of a 'Hidden Field' were showing in reverse order.
  • Fixed - Restoring form backups was not working on some servers.
  • Fixed - Uploading a file through the 'Select File From Server' window would show an error on Joomla! 4.
07 Jun 2023

Version 3.1.10​

  • Added - Event triggers after emails have been sent: onRsformAfterUserEmail, onRsformAfterAdminEmail, onRsformAfterAdditionalEmail.
  • Added - Directory fields can now be configured to be sorted as 'Number' or 'Date'.
  • Added - 'Minimum Length' and 'Maximum Length' validations.
  • Updated - PHP 8.2 compatibility improvements.
  • Updated - Newly created forms will now default to '{global:mailfrom}' and '{global:fromname}' in the Admin Emails section.
  • Updated - 'Textarea' fields now accept '%' or 'px' in 'Rows' and 'Cols' properties.
  • Fixed - Uikit 3 tooltip markup was not generated correctly.
  • Fixed - PHP Code could not be saved in the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item's 'Dynamic Filtering Values' area.
  • Fixed - 'Show Only Filtering Results' now works with 'Dynamic Filtering Values'.
  • Fixed - Importing submissions from a CSV would throw an error if the 'Confirmed' column did not contain numeric values.
RSForm! PRO Version 3.1.8
RSForm! PRO Version 3.1.7
  • Fixed - 'Dynamic Filtering Values' are now checked to prevent duplicates when the menu item is saved.
  • Fixed - In some cases clicking on 'Save & Close' would result in a blank form in the frontend until the form is edited again.
  • Added - Emails can be deferred until submission is confirmed through the 'Defer Emails Until Confirmation' option.
  • Updated - 'Confirmation Link' when editing a submission in the backend, to manually confirm a submission and trigger deferred emails.
  • Updated - Placed all submission confirmation options inside their own group under Form Properties - Form Info - Confirmation.
  • Added - PHP Scripts in the Directory configuration: Scripts called on Edit Layout, Scripts called when submission is updated.
  • Fixed - 'Manage Submissions' is now wrapped inside a 'table-responsive' class for easier horizontal scrolling.
  • Fixed - In some cases, errors were not shown when saving a Directory in the backend.
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