Smart Manager для WooCommerce PRO — массовое редактирование, управление запасами и многое другое

Плагин Smart Manager для WooCommerce PRO — массовое редактирование, управление запасами и многое другое v8.36.0

Массовое редактирование и управление продуктами, заказами, столбцами или любым типом записей
= 8.8.0 (09.06.2023) =
* New: Import CSV functionality for WooCommerce Products
* New: Show Smart Manager button in WordPress Admin Bar
* Fix: Dashboard not loading in some cases due to 'sprintf already defined' JavaScript error
* Fix: Progress modal getting hidden immediately when trying to use Bulk Edit, Duplicate Records & Delete Records functionality (Pro)
* Fix: State management & other minor improvements for 'Tasks' dashboards (Pro)
* Update: Hidden option setting for controlling display of 'Manage with Smart Manager' button on post type dashboards
* Update: POT file
= 8.6.0 (25.05.2023) =
* New: WordPress 6.2.2 compatible
* Fix: Inline edit functionality not working in Firefox browser
* Fix: Modals and Notifications not appearing in some cases in Firefox browser
* Fix: Column sorted arrow icon not visible in cases when column name is long
* Fix: Few of the JavaScript files loading more than once on dashboard load
* Fix: Incorrect version for enqueued JavaScript & CSS files
* Fix: JavaScript errors in console in some cases when using any plugin functionality
* Update: POT file
= 8.4.0 (11.05.2023) =
* New: 'any of' and 'not any of' advanced search operators for text fields (Pro)
* New: Option 'sm_update_trash_records' to consider or not consider 'Trash' records when updating 'Entire Store' using Bulk Edit/Duplicate Records/Delete Records functionality (Pro)
* Fix: PHP Warnings when updating some of the WooCommerce Product fields using Bulk Edit (Pro)
* Update: UI/UX improvements
* Update: POT file
= 8.2.0 (27.04.2023) =
* New: HTML number field editor for numeric fields
* New: Option 'sm_show_tasks_title_modal' to show or hide the 'Tasks Title Modal' when performing inline/bulk edits (Pro)
* Fix: PHP 8.2 Warnings: Creation of dynamic properties is deprecated
* Update: 'WP editor' for 'Product short description' and 'Post excerpt' fields
* Update: UI/UX improvements
* Update: POT file
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