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- Fix: Joomla's
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.setting will be used to check, if a file can be uploaded or not.- Fix: The
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.features could have issues with images from certain external servers.
Скачать Smart Slider 3 PRO + 99 Sliders v3.5.1.23 Nulled Free
v3.5.1.23 - 2024.04.11
- Fix: At WordPress Posts generator if you have a meta data or ACF data with a name already used as a variable, it can get overwritten.
- Fix: Security improvements for image uploads.
- Fix: Only allow files with WordPress allowed mime types to be uploaded.
- Fix: Joomla's Legal MIME Types setting will be used to check, if a file can be uploaded or not.
- Fix: The Resize and Convert to webp features could have issues with images from certain external servers.
- Fix: Instragram generator token requesting doesn't work. We needed to change the Callback Url to fix this, so after updating Smart Slider, go to your application and do step 14, 15 and 16 again!
- Fix: Convert to WebP does not convert some external images.
- Fix: Symlinked folders did not work with our Joomla media manager.
- Fix: Nextgen Gallery generator update.
- Fix: Ignite Gallery generator update.
- Fix: Joomla 5 compatibility.
- Fix: Joomla article frontend editing in some cases changes shortcodes into slider html codes.
- Fix: VirtueMart generator's default language changed to the language set in VirtueMart.
- Feature: Youtube videos cannot be started until they fully loaded, but from now on, we will detect early click actions on them and try to start the video once it loaded, as long as it is not prevented by a browser limitation.
- Feature: Smart Slider module support for custom error pages (like 404 pages) in Joomla 4 and 5.
- Feature: New JoomShopping generator for Joomla 4 and 5.
- Feature: Handling manually messed up lightbox links better.
- Removed: Black Friday sale notification removed.
2022. 09. 29. - WordPress Pro, Joomla
- Fix: Improved security during slider import
- Feature: Now you can add Aria label attribute to the icon at the Image Box layer.
- Feature: Translation added for the Countdown layer for the available languages. We used Google Translate for the translations, if you find wrong strings,
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.- Fix: Improved check for valid values at layer content and name.
- Fix: Removed the requirement for the DOM in WordPress versions. We'll use
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.instead.- Fix: Aria-role attribute is renamed to role.
- Fix: Running conditions were refactored on Joomla.
- Fix: Compatibility fix for the latest versions of Ignite Gallery.
- Fix: A couple of strings were left out from the translation (like the default text of the Animated heading layer). From now on these texts are translatable, too.
- Fix: Compatibility fix for SP Page Builder.
- Other: Spanish Translation update. Thanks, Rodrigo!
- Feature: The custom product image ordering is now supported in the VirtueMart generator.
- Feature: The description variable is now available at 10Web Photo Gallery generator.
- Feature: The ACF field and meta data are now available as variables at
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.generator.- Feature: The
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.now supports dynamic data.- Fix: UIPress.co compatibility.
- Fix: Grabbing cursor now properly displays when the slides are switching with mouse grabbing.
- Fix: 10Web Photo Gallery generator PHP notice fixed in rare cases.
- Fix: Database name prefix added to the 10Web Photo Gallery generator to ask tags properly.
- Fix: Transition layer was buggy in Safari.
- Fix: Fix for a Deprecated: preg_match(): Passing null to parameter #4 error in rare cases.
- Fix: Desktop retina image set at the Image Manager now properly displays when the Large Desktop view is enabled.
- Fix: The CSS code that hides the Bullet thumbnail was strengthened to avoid 3rd party codes overriding it and messing up the layout.
- Fix: The style tag for the Slide CSS will only be added to the HTML if it has any content.
- Fix:
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.URLs are fixed at the category_image and manufacturer_image variable.- Fix: The old default family, Montserrat is not used anymore at the backend so its call was removed.
- Fix: The timezone offset label was unified at the generators.
- Fix:
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.has deprecated the controls_registered method so from 3.6.0 and above we use the new register method to include the Smart Slider widget to Elementor.- Fix: Compatibility fix for the T4 framework.
- Fix: Compatibility fix for the
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.on Joomla 4.- Fix: Empty SKUs are now ignored at the Products by IDs and/or SKUs generator.
- Fix: Compatibility fix for Divi on PHP 8.
- Other: Swedish translation for the countdown layer.
- Other: Translation related improvements, including unifying texts that do the same action on different places.
- Other: The numbers at the Before After layer are no longer translatable.
- Other: Spanish translation is updated. Thanks, Rodrigo!
- Other: Notice about Facebook and Instagram generators requiring HTTPS website has been changed to better suit Joomla users.
- Removed: The redSHOP generator has been deprecated and removed, as it doesn't supports Joomla 3.10 and Joomla 4.
- Removed: DJ Classifieds generator was deprecated
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться., but its files were left behind. Now they are removed.
- Feature: The old background animations are allowed again when the fill mode is not fill, but anything else.
- Feature: Private Vimeo video support at the Vimeo generator.
- Feature: You can now customize the Loading animation delay time.
- Feature: Countdown layer
- Fix: Vimeo changed the urls of Private videos! You need to
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться., to make it work correctly.- Fix: Image layer box shadow now shows up in the Slide Editor.
- Fix: Jevents generator urls could have been wrong in old Jevents versions, or when repeated events weren't set up.
- Fix: paneWidth control variable now works properly when Single Switch is enabled.
- Fix: Shape Divider height didn't work properly in editor.
- Fix: We fixed an error that happened because Elementor has deprecated the _content_template method we used to create our Elementor Widget.
- Fix: Compatibility fixes with Perfmatters.
- Fix: The Shape Divider window didn't load if the slider was hidden on mobile.
- Fix: Before After layer could scroll when the divider was moved.
- Fix: The old Smart Slider WordPress widget can be moved back to Elementor using the SMART_SLIDER_ELEMENTOR_WIDGET_ALLOWED constant. As a result the sliders won't be missing after the
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.update.- Fix: The slider resize didn't always get triggered on mobile when the device was rotated.
- Fix: The When ended → Go to next slide option will no longer trigger the Scroll to slider behavior at the video layers.
- Fix: Joomla 4 changed how article images are being stored. The article generator's code was modified to this.
- Other: Dutch translation added. Thanks, Frank!
- Other: Spanish translation updated. Thanks, Rodrigo!
- Feature: New layer, Before After is now available in Pro version.
- Feature: The aria-role="button" is added to the links which are not used for page navigation. For example the next slide or previous slide action.
- Feature: Background blur option for the Blur fit fill mode.
- Feature: You can now set a fallback slider that will display instead of the current slider when the current slider has no published slides.
- Fix: Elementor will no longer open their own lightbox when ours is used.
- Fix: Focus is removed from the button after the link action is triggered.
- Fix: Divi Builder plugin has strong codes so we use a special ss-p tag to display the texts. An issue was fixed related to these ss-p tags that made them display incorrectly.
- Fix: Focus incorrectly stayed on the arrow after slide switching.
- Fix: Streamed audio prevented the slider from loading properly in Safari.
- Fix: Arrows could get highlighted in Safari.
- Fix: Joomla 4 could display the following PHP Warning: get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, null given.
- Other: Better handling of the translation files.
- Other: French translation added. Thanks, Jean-Francois!
Smart Slider 3 PRO – это больше, чем просто модуль. Это настоящий визуальный редактор для создания анимированного и адаптивного слайдшоу. Он включает в себя редактор слоев и инструменты визуального конструктора. Вам больше не надо думать о технических аспектах, потому что технология drag&drop облегчила задачу.
В набор встроенного менеджера входят более 700 наименований от Google. С его помощью можно легко изменять стиль написания и оформления. Если вы неплохо разбираетесь в СSS, то разработчики оставили возможность расширенного управления шрифтами с помощью кода.
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