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J4 J5 (b/c plugin)
Improve support for Joomla 4 + Bootstrap 5 + Fontawesome 5 Drop support for Joomla 3 and older Bootstrap versions (prior to Bootstrap 5) Add captcha for view=apartment Add availability calendar display for view=apartment Add Terms and Conditions checkbox for view=apartment Add th-TH translation (contributed by Thellie) Inquiry form: add support for custom fields Add new option to require user log in in the single property view Fix payment method popover display in guest form Language files cleanup, fix syntax error in es-ES Fix side navigation bar display issue when option Main activity is set as Experience Remove option Invoice number prefix override Add missing Experience Offline payment method entry in System info page Fix grand total amount is not updated automatically in reservation edit form in backend Reduce duplicated code for confirmationform and guestform Fix apartment layout issue when option Layout style is set as 'Style 2' Fix side navigation bar state remembering issue Fix extra item deletion issue due to a foreign key constraint Fix reservation saving issue related to custom field type 'File upload' in view=apartment
Fix installation issue in Joomla 4.2
Joomla 4: add support for Toggle inline help button in edit views Joomla 4: fix edit view tab state remembering issue Joomla 4: fix payment method reordering by drag & drop Joomla 4: fix reservation creation issue in Apartment layout Joomla 4: fix property saving issue in MariaDB General code cleanup: remove the unused Archive & Unarchive statuses Show message when a reservation does not have any assigned room types in both list view & edit view Send email to partner only when the property email and partner email are the same
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