- Версии OpenCart
- OC v1.х
- OC v2.х
- OC v3.х
Ускорить страницу магазина OpenCart - ускорьте свой сайт, увеличивайте и улучшайте с 40/100 баллов до 95/100 баллов в Google Pagespeed, pingdom и YSlow.
Новые обновленные функции:
- GZIP Output Compression Level.
- Image Not Found set default Imgae Page.
- Also set Compression for New Images upload.
- Can Optimize and compress Imgae from admin.
- You can set Default Time Zone for server and SQL.
- Store every page in cache for better speed and load fast.
- Also check page Cached File Statistics.
- Optimize custome CSS Or JS Files from admin.
- Set SQL Database Cache.
- Set Above The Fold Content for css and js.
- Test your site with Google from admin site and get speed result.
- If you change anithing from setting, then you can clear cache also.
- Speed UP OpenCart Store and Performance.
- Increase & Improves Page Speed And Scalability.
- Minify and Compress Everything JS/CSS/HML file.
- All setting you can manage from admin.
- Specify Image Dimensions in HTML.
- Optimize Database Table to fast SQL Query.
- Reduce HTTP Requests.
- Add index in Database Table.
- URL Alias Cache Fast Generate Link.
- Don't replace any file.'
- Multi currency and Template Independient.
- Fast And excellent support.
- Support different style and template.
- Required vqmod.