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StackFood Multi Restaurant - Food Delivery App with Laravel Admin and Restaurant Panel NULLED

CMS StackFood Multi Restaurant - Food Delivery App with Laravel Admin and Restaurant Panel NULLED v8.0 NULLED

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Приложение доставки еды с админкой Laravel и панелью ресторана
- Функция заказа еды в ресторане: введена новая функция для упрощения заказа еды в ресторане
- Улучшены функции поиска и фильтрации для повышения удобства использования и точности
- Исправлены и устранены различные проблемы для обеспечения более плавной работы
- Приложения Flutter сделаны совместимыми с Flutter SDK 3.27.1
Скачать StackFood v7.9.1 NULLED

Version 7.9 21 October 2024​

- Centralized login by three login methods: Manual, OTP-based, and Social media. All options are managed by the admin.
- Integrated Firebase Authentication using mobile OTP
- Added new cases and Improved the overall restaurant subscription model
- Show available business operation areas/ delivery areas on the landing website
- Integrated reCAPTCHA v3 for improved security
- Added Nutrition and Allergy related information and tag
- Added option to export subscribed customers mail list with lots of filters
- Enhanced some UI and content for apps.
- Fixed some issues
- Improved some queries and optimized performance
- Made the Flutter app compatible with Flutter SDK 3.24.3

Version 7.8 10 September 2024​

-Added advanced maintenance mode with more detailed control options for specific modules
- Improved lots of things in chatting system
- Rearrange the full admin panel menu to navigate easily
- Displayed customer wallet information in the POS system for easy access
- Manage full redirection for all notification click
- Adjusted placeholder text spacing, margins, and corrected text in the whole system
- Improved toaster notifications and popup messages for a better user experience
- Enhanced some UI and content for apps.
- Fixed some issues
- Improved some queries and optimized performance
- Made the Flutter app compatible with Flutter SDK 3.24.2
  • Мне нравится
Реакции: tuningxtreme

Version 7.6 14 May 2024​

- Introduced custom sorting for all kinds of restaurant, food, category, and cuisine lists from the admin panel
- Implemented the ability for sellers to reply to the reviews directly from the review list for improved customer interaction
- Added Cashback to wallet campaign option.
- Added Extra packaging charge managed by the restaurant.
- Added different types of stock management for the food items and add-ons
- Added discount on first order option using referral code during registration
- Added a restaurant characteristics feature to provide more detailed information and enhance the user experience
- Improved subscription order user experience for smoother and more intuitive ordering processes
- Enhanced some UI and content for apps.
- Fixed some issues
- Improved some queries and optimized performance
- Made the Flutter app compatible with Flutter SDK 3.19.6

Version 7.5 01 April 2024​

- Improved overall UI interactions and design for the whole admin, store panel, apps, and web
- Enabled POS customer registration notification via email to the customer
- Introduced account block/unblock notifications through email
- Managed Halal tag for product
- Modified some business logic in both web panels and app
- Improved lots of database queries
- Fixed lots of improvements related issues in both web panels and app
- Made the apps compatible with Flutter SDK 3.19.4
StackFood v7.4
- Order update from admin panel.
- Restaurant Order confirmation model
- Fixed Order sound in restaurant and delivery man app
- Restaurant wise delivery man
- GST number in invoice with on/off option
- Popular and new restaurants on the home page with turn on/off option
- Category sorting. (High, Medium, Normal) - Default (Normal)
- Offday management for restaurant
- Temporary closing option for the restaurant.
- Fixed iOS notification
- Privacy policy and terms & condition page added in all app
- Some design improvements in app and web
- Show review and rating list for the restaurant in user app
- Fixed some other issues
- Performance improvement
- New payment gateway

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- Fixed some small but major issues in admin panel including restaurant app dashboard API data mismatch.
- No changes in app
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