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[TaylorJ] Blogs

Плагин [TaylorJ] Blogs v1.2.2

Нет прав для скачивания
Система блогов для вашего форума
Bug fixes/Feature
  • Blog posts are now deleted when their respective blog is deleted. Since this was not being handled properly before a new feature in Tools > Rebuild caches has been created "Cleanup blog posts that were not removed on blog deletion". This will go through all blog posts in your database and if it finds one that doesn't have a blog anymore it will delete that blog post. After you run this tool it is required to run the "Rebuild user blog post count totals" cache tool as well to have proper blog post counts displayed.
Bug fix:
  • Fixed bug on blog deletion, looking for entity Blogs when one doesn't exist.
Bug fixes
  • member_list_macros template modification: Removed usage of canViewResources and replaced with canViewBlogs
  • member_macros template modification: Removed usage of canViewResources and replaced with canViewBlogs
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