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Иконка ресурса
Шаблон Velzon - Admin and Dashboard Template
Нет прав для скачивания
Шаблон администратора и панели инструментов
v4.1.0 (26 Jan, 2024)
HTML React 18 React TS React Laravel Inertia Angular 17 Vue 3 Laravel + VueJs Laravel 10 Django ASP.Net Core 8 CodeIgniter 4 Symfony PHP Ajax Nodejs Cake PHP Flask AIOHTTP Svelte ASP.Net MVC Yii 2 Bottle
Fixed RTL Issue (Apexcharts)
Minor issue fixed
v4.0.0 (30 Dec, 2023)HTML React 18 React TS React Laravel Inertia Angular 17 Vue 3 Laravel + VueJs Laravel 10 Django ASP.Net Core 8 CodeIgniter 4 Symfony PHP Ajax Nodejs Cake PHP Flask AIOHTTP Svelte ASP.Net MVC Yii 2 Bottle
Only in Master Demos
Added Classic & Vintage Themes
Updated single click to handle themes
Added user avatar position
Added multi colors option
Upgraded packages
React 18 React TS
Upgraded Node version to 20
Upgraded Redux version to 5.0.0
Upgraded react-table to @tanstack/react-table version to 8.11.0
Removed unnecessary packages
React Laravel Inertia
Upgraded Node version to 20
Upgraded laravel-vite-react version to 1.0.0
Upgraded Typescript version to 5.3.3
Upgraded Vite version to 5.0.10
Upgraded Redux version to 5.0.1
Upgraded react-table to @tanstack/react-table version to 8.11.0
Removed unnecessary packages
Angular 17
Upgraded Angular version to 17
Added ngrx functionality
Vue 3 Laravel + VueJs
Upgraded bootstrap-vue-next version to 0.15.5
Upgraded Python version to 3.12.0
Upgraded Django version to 5.0.0
Upgraded Django Allauth version to 0.58.2
Upgraded Symfony version to 7.0
Upgraded PHP version to 8.2.0
Upgraded NodeJS version to 18.18.0
Added Webpack Support
Upgraded Python version to 3.12.0
Upgraded Flask version to 3.0.0
Upgraded Python version to 3.12.0
Upgraded AIOHTTP version to 3.9.1
Upgraded Python version to 3.12.0
Upgraded Bottle version to 0.12.25
v3.5.0 (09 Nov, 2023)
HTML React 18 React TS Angular 16 Vue 3 Laravel + VueJs Laravel 10 Django ASP.Net Core 7 CodeIgniter 4 Symfony PHP Ajax Nodejs Cake PHP Flask AIOHTTP Svelte ASP.Net MVC Yii 2 Bottle
Upgraded Bootstrap version to v5.3.2
Upgraded packages
Added a month grid view to the calendar page
Fixed minor issues
React 18 React TS
Added yet-another-react-lightbox package for Lightbox
Upgraded packages
Removed unnecessary packages
Upgraded Django version to 4.2.6
Upgraded Flask version to 3.0.0
v3.3.0 (03 Oct, 2023)React TS
Angular 16
Upgraded Angular version to 16
Upgraded all packages
Fixed minor issues
Added Bootstrap-vue-next
Upgraded simplebar-vue
Removed Unnecessary packages
Upgraded packages
Fixed minor issues
Upgraded Django version to 4.2.5
Added Django All Auth Authentication
Removed Social Django Authentication
Upgraded Crispy form package to Bootstrap 5
Fixed minor issues
Yii 2
Upgraded Bootstrap version to 5.3.0
Added & Update Components
Fixed the calendar issue
JavaScript functionality error resolved
Fixed minor issues
Upgraded Symfony version to 6.3
Added Symfony Webpack Encore Support
Fixed minor issues
v3.2.0 (11 Sept, 2023)Angular 15
Updated Package:
Updated layout setting
Fixed issue in form picker
Laravel 10
Updated Vite configuration for Node Modules
Fixed minor issues
Updated Package:
Upgraded Bootstrap version to 5.3.0
Updated to Svelte 4.0.5 version
Fixed the full calendar issue
Fixed minor issues and updated packages
v3.1.0 (21 July, 2023)React 18 Vue 3 Cake PHP
Updated Package:
Upgraded Bootstrap version to 5.3.0
Updated packages
Removed Unnecessary packages
Added & Updated Pages
Added Apexchart range area chart
Added Apexchart Funnel chart
Added & Update Components
Updated Light & Dark Mode (Bootstrap Support v5.3.0)
Deprecated the bg-soft-* class. It’s been replaced by bg-*-subtle
Deprecated the object-cover class. It’s been replaced by object-fit-cover
Deprecated the flex-1 class. It’s been replaced by flex-grow-1
Deprecated the alert-borderless class. It’s been replaced by border-0
Deprecated the badge-soft-* class. It’s been replaced by bg-*-subtle text-*
Deprecated the badge-outline-* class. It’s been replaced by border border-* text-*
Deprecated the text-white-75 class. It’s been replaced by text-white text-opacity-75
JavaScript functionality error resolved
Fixed Minor issues
React 18
Updated Package:
Upgraded React Redux version to 8.1.1.
HTML React 18 Angular 15 Vue 3 Laravel 10 Django ASP.Net Core 7 CodeIgniter 4 Symfony PHP Ajax Nodejs Cake PHP Flask ASP.Net MVC
Minor fixes in the below pages:
Menu hover issue fix ( _vertical.scss)