Смотрите видео ниже, чтобы узнать, как установить iTnull.info в качестве веб-приложения.
Примечание: Эта функция может быть недоступна в некоторых браузерах.
Vue, Nuxt & VueJS LaravelAdded Added Kanban app Updated Updated all the libraries to the latest version Fixed Fixed Apps & Front-pages bugs
Next.js Initial Release (Next.js v14 + App Router) Deprecated Next.js v13 version with Pages Router is now deprecated Vue, Vue + Laravel & NuxtUpdated Refined layouts, components and all the pages for improved design alignment and aesthetics Updated all the dependencies to their latest version Figma (Design File)Fixed Minor design corrections
v9.12.0 (2023-12-08) HTML, HTML + Laravel, ASP.NET Core - Razor Pages Fixed Fixed node waves not working in data-table buttons & alerts Minor UI improvements & bug fixes Updated Documentation ASP.NET Core - MVC Added Initial Version Django Added Added BASE_URL and use it as per env to make it easy. Loading state to submit buttons on mail send. Updated Django 5.0 Fixed Fixed Search link not working Fixed node waves not working in data-table buttons & alerts Minor improvements & bug fixes
All notable changes to this template will be documented in this file Note: Jetstream support is enabled for HTML + Laravel version only. It will not work with Vue + Laravel version. Нажмите для раскрытия... v9.11.0 (2023-11-21)ASP.NET CoreUpdated Updated to .NET 8 (Reduced Package size & startup time) Documentation Docker compatibility with .NET 8 Fixed Removed warnings during build process Fixed locale issues in RTL mode (Arabic) Minor improvements & bugfixes DjangoAdded datadump.json file which can help while migrating with any database with init data Updated Documentation: Django Admin - Database with PostgreSQL integration CRUD: Added decimal validation Fixed PostgreSQL integration/migration issue
Note: Jetstream support is enabled for HTML + Laravel version only. It will not work with Vue + Laravel version. Нажмите для раскрытия...
ChangelogAll notable changes to this template will be documented in this file Note: Jetstream support is enabled for HTML + Laravel version only. It will not work with Vue + Laravel version. Нажмите для раскрытия... v9.10.0 (2023-11-09)HTML, HTML + Laravel, ASP.NET Core & DjangoAdded Language-Driven LTR and RTL Adaptation Input group page, speech-to-text functionality Updated Updated Bootstrap to latest version(5.3.2) Updated SCSS & Mixins as per Bootstrap 5.3.2 Updated Documentation Fixed Bordered Layout components & third party UI fixes Horizontal menu slide for fixed layout Carousel HTML Structure as per latest Bootstrap Minor improvements & Bugfixes Removed Removed Portuguese language support HTML + LaravelAdded Starter kit LTR(English) & RTL(Arabic) Localization ASP.NET CoreAdded CRUD with SQLite Database Docker support DjangoAdded Transaction (CRUD) Example Authentication (Login, Logout, Register, Reset Password, Forgot Password) User Permission and Authorization (User: Admin, Client) Built-in templates for django server errors Updated Localization based on text-direction Localization with default language support Fixed .env file issue with Debug mode (True was considered as string) 9.9.1 (2023-11-08)Vue, Nuxt & VueJS LaravelFixed Horizontal nav menu in smaller screen doesn't convert to vertical nav
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